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Active Member
-Here is some of my work there is moreinformation under the graphics:
CubuZi-Gaming-Banner 2.png MrWaffle.png Thumbnail-Template.png YouTube-Background.png Waffless-YouTube-Background.png Krazyy-banner.png Krazyy-Profile-Picture.png Hey guys my name is CubuZi and if you have problem of finding a cheap of free graphic designer i can help you with that.I can make you free:​
-gaming banners
-simple 2d banners
-minecraft banners

-gaming thumbnails
-minecraft thumbnails

-Minecraft profile pictures
-Minecraft Wallpapers
Do you think I could have a banner similar to first one but with the game being Overwatch? Maybe some GTAV if that makes it easier (somehow)

Thanks <3
Love your work, just wondering you you can make me a good simple banner + Profile Pic? <3
My skype: KickMeHydrate
~Kappa <3
Can you make something like this?
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