Hey there YouTube communtity! I was wondering if any of you guys would like to do a collab with me! I will be playing halo 5, gears of war ultimate edition, Call Of Duty Black Ops 3, minecraft and more! Anyway I'm looking forward to growing together and learning many new things about YouTube!Below are some minor requirements for the collab
- Age must be 13-16 years old
- Must Have a decent amount of subscribers 50-500
- Have an Xbox one and Xbox 360
- Must be active user
- FUNNY!!!!!!!
- Have at least two of these games, halo 5, Bo3,Gears of war ultimate edition, nba 2k16
- That's all and if you do want to do one reply to this or send me a message on Xbox live (gt: HASHTAGDaviD)
- YouTube channel, Hashtag Davvid