Fiverr voiceover original commentary?

Let me write that email today then. Real life got in the way yesterday; and unfortunately, there are no official Creator Support members on either YTTalk or the "Offciaial Support Community". It's all User-To-User on both fora, though on the official one, there are Google Community Managers.

The Gold Level I am going to contact is a multi-product Expert; so may take a few days to get back to me. Please don't get impatient in the meantime. As you said yourself, you're reluctant to simply flush your budget down the drain!

Luck to us both!

Addendum: Email sent; I quoted your original post as the question. We see what she answers.
I greatly appreciate you taking the time to reach out.. I look forward to her response. Patient I'll be, just taking it 1 day at a time right now.
From my POV as long as it's a person doing the commentary it should be fine. I've seen many channels changing owners, another host, other person doing commentary etc etc. Before there were many channels with several people in it... like a team. As long as it's not a robot it should be fine, it's not like YouTube really knows who owns the channel and probably won't care if the face/voice of the channel isn't doing anything wrong. It's the same with kids vlogs, you see the parent managing everything but the face of the channel is the kid.

Even YouTube has it's own channel Creator Insider where you see different people in that team (Barbara and Tom) but I'm no expert and this is my opinion.
The only thing I would suggest is that you make that person SIGN a document giving you ALL the rights for the commentary in those videos and also take into account a possible problem... audiences fall in love with personalities/voices. If he decides to quit, if he wants a raise and you say no, if he starts his own channel cause he already gathered the following in your channel... he has the right to do it and prolly will do it (Many fiver artists start there and if they get big they move to YouTube) I've seen many channels die because the audience didn't like the new host or the new voice and this is the reason why using your own face/commentary is the best way to avoid ALL these problems!

Thanks you for your feedback & suggestions GameVestment.. I'll definitely request & keep record of documentation from my narrator showing permission for all rights for the commentary used. Thanks again.

PeggyK, Gold Level Expert confirms you; and if it was I who said they would see it as third party content @trumpdayz, you have my apology! Reply pasted below with her permission.

"If it's their original script, hiring an actor to read their original script doesn't make it 3rd party content.

And in practical terms, YouTube wouldn't know who is reading the script, as long as it sounds like a human.

And also:

* Consider the visual content, whether that is original.

* Add a description to each video, giving some context and even a short explanation about how the video was made.

* Make sure there is info on the About tab of their channel about themselves and the content they create."

Go for it, and tell us what happens in the end.

PeggyK, Gold Level Expert confirms you; and if it was I who said they would see it as third party content @trumpdayz, you have my apology! Reply pasted below with her permission.

"If it's their original script, hiring an actor to read their original script doesn't make it 3rd party content.

And in practical terms, YouTube wouldn't know who is reading the script, as long as it sounds like a human.

And also:

* Consider the visual content, whether that is original.

* Add a description to each video, giving some context and even a short explanation about how the video was made.

* Make sure there is info on the About tab of their channel about themselves and the content they create."

Go for it, and tell us what happens in the end.
Sounds like a plan! This post is jam packed w/notes I needed to be well aware of. Definitely will update accordingly & implement these strategies to the best of my ability. Can't say thank you enough. Only time will tell the outcome but I look forward to giving it another try w/all these new ideas in mind. :up2::wavespin:

* Add a description to each video, giving some context and even a short explanation about how the video was made.

Go for it, and tell us what happens in the end.

I've been thinking...since I was demonetized for reused content & given I use so many stock footage clips to create my videos, should I list individual links for each clip used in my video descriptions?
Rather than just listing source website link for ex.
Sources: Videoblocks

This instead?
Sources: Videoblocks
I've been thinking...since I was demonetized for reused content & given I use so many stock footage clips to create my videos, should I list individual links for each clip used in my video descriptions?
Rather than just listing source website link for ex.
Sources: Videoblocks

This instead?
Sources: Videoblocks
That might help; along with a link to Videoblocks' License Agreement. You may also want to mention that Videoblocks recently changed its name to Storyblocks. I used to be a member of the site before the name change; and I couldn't justify retaining my yearly subscription in the face of the price rises and separate Marketplace clips-for-a-separate-fee which came with the name change.