
I Love YTtalk
So I didn't really get this idea just from my vast googling use. It came to me from a wonderful person on one of the facebook groups I'm on and really exploded from there. I really did like doing this because I did it in a similar style to the Comicstorian. I would love any feedback you may or may not have (not sure how I'd respond to nonfeedback, but I'll.....figure it out?)

So I didn't really get this idea just from my vast googling use. It came to me from a wonderful person on one of the facebook groups I'm on and really exploded from there. I really did like doing this because I did it in a similar style to the Comicstorian. I would love any feedback you may or may not have (not sure how I'd respond to nonfeedback, but I'll.....figure it out?)
No worries you got feedback.

I would say that in this particular video, you should have gotten some background like a couple of random comic books and blurred it out then added it to all the pictures to remove the black background of the pictures. Also if possible stretch the photos to be full screen if the quality degrades to much don't do it. If you think your audience will see that you stretched the picture don't do it. What you can do is ensure that the picture is dead centre. Evenly far away from the top and bottom, also from left and right. Remember Top and Bottom can differ from left and right. In 00:16 is a perfect example of a no no. 01:47 just before you start enlarging the picture is an example of how it should like.

I can see you increase and decrease the size of the pictures, it is a great idea but do it evenly on all sides of the picture. Not just from two sides left and top or bottom and right.
Might need to swap out your music from time to time. The same song over and over and over might drive some of your audience nuts. (I just watched your intro and coffee man so I presume the rest have the same music as those had)

Also keep a constant uploading schedule. I see you have two videos after one another then one a week apart and then two again three weeks later. How would you audience know when will the next sweet java video be arriving if they don't know when to expect it. Even if you have the chance to create two videos don't release both. Upload one and throw the other one on a schedule for when your audience can expect the next video. Unless its some important announcement. "but Sandman don't I create my next content if I have excess of content". Yes you keep creating and put them on schedule as well. Now you have videos to post that say you go on vacation and can't post anything for that week. To much videos is never a bad thing. Just manage them. Videos that can get outdated or needs to be shown before you can show the others you move up the que and post them first. The others can wait until you feel the need to post them.

Your a fluent talker, your channel art is great and also your avatar. Try and squeeze in a joke now and then to keep the attention of your audience. This has potential. Now get out their cowboy and make some coffee (that was horrible I know)
I could not agree more with SandMan who already made many great points.

Definately you should just minimise the webcam to the top right/left of the screen while showing the images, it might make things a bit more personal with the viewer. Try to work a bit more on your intro and outro, make them more consistent and more engaging.

Those are a few more things, but I think you have enough on your hands from SandMan. Best of luck with your channel!
Yeah, I mean SandMan pretty much locked the thread at this point :D If there's anything I would add it would be, and I don't know if this is just personal preference, to maybe make it a bit snappier and kind of avoid some of the natural pauses people make when speaking. Remember, the attention span of an average Youtube viewer is ridiculously short, so the more jam packed every second of the video is with content, the less likely they are to tune out. Again it could just be me, but some of my favorite youtubers are seemingly like machines in the way they consistently and confidently churn out information.

That being said, I really enjoyed the video, this was more of a nitpick than anything else. I thought it was informative and well put together, I agree with SandMan's advice with editing but it didn't really bother me, in fact I hadn't even noticed until he brought those things up. And TMC Man seems like a crazy friggin dude :laugh2: Overall, some pretty good stuff, keep it up!
No worries you got feedback.

I would say that in this particular video, you should have gotten some background like a couple of random comic books and blurred it out then added it to all the pictures to remove the black background of the pictures. Also if possible stretch the photos to be full screen if the quality degrades to much don't do it. If you think your audience will see that you stretched the picture don't do it. What you can do is ensure that the picture is dead centre. Evenly far away from the top and bottom, also from left and right. Remember Top and Bottom can differ from left and right. In 00:16 is a perfect example of a no no. 01:47 just before you start enlarging the picture is an example of how it should like.

I can see you increase and decrease the size of the pictures, it is a great idea but do it evenly on all sides of the picture. Not just from two sides left and top or bottom and right.
Might need to swap out your music from time to time. The same song over and over and over might drive some of your audience nuts. (I just watched your intro and coffee man so I presume the rest have the same music as those had)

Also keep a constant uploading schedule. I see you have two videos after one another then one a week apart and then two again three weeks later. How would you audience know when will the next sweet java video be arriving if they don't know when to expect it. Even if you have the chance to create two videos don't release both. Upload one and throw the other one on a schedule for when your audience can expect the next video. Unless its some important announcement. "but Sandman don't I create my next content if I have excess of content". Yes you keep creating and put them on schedule as well. Now you have videos to post that say you go on vacation and can't post anything for that week. To much videos is never a bad thing. Just manage them. Videos that can get outdated or needs to be shown before you can show the others you move up the que and post them first. The others can wait until you feel the need to post them.

Your a fluent talker, your channel art is great and also your avatar. Try and squeeze in a joke now and then to keep the attention of your audience. This has potential. Now get out their cowboy and make some coffee (that was horrible I know)

Dude this was some of the most helpful feedback I've gotten in a while. I'ma be real, I didn't know how to do the pictures for the video and just kinda threw them in there. I do like the comic background idea though. I have another similar video I plan on doing soon so I may have to do that. As for the inconsistancy, I was uploading them on mondays on the regular, but that flipped my schedule upside down when I realized it wasn't quite as easy for me to do with my irregular work schedule. I'll have to get back on that though. Mainly because monday is my only consistent free day for videos! Thanks for all the ideas and support man. You rock!
Dude this was some of the most helpful feedback I've gotten in a while. I'ma be real, I didn't know how to do the pictures for the video and just kinda threw them in there. I do like the comic background idea though. I have another similar video I plan on doing soon so I may have to do that. As for the inconsistancy, I was uploading them on mondays on the regular, but that flipped my schedule upside down when I realized it wasn't quite as easy for me to do with my irregular work schedule. I'll have to get back on that though. Mainly because monday is my only consistent free day for videos! Thanks for all the ideas and support man. You rock!
Glad I could help. I would most definitely look out for the new video you are talking about. If you have any other questions you can just ask.
I could not agree more with SandMan who already made many great points.

Definately you should just minimise the webcam to the top right/left of the screen while showing the images, it might make things a bit more personal with the viewer. Try to work a bit more on your intro and outro, make them more consistent and more engaging.

Those are a few more things, but I think you have enough on your hands from SandMan. Best of luck with your channel!
Ya know, I do have a set intro and outro, I'll have to keep consistantly posting them I actually am planning on making a new outro so that might help as well. Thanks for your feedback too man![DOUBLEPOST=1479383855,1479383704][/DOUBLEPOST]
Yeah, I mean SandMan pretty much locked the thread at this point :D If there's anything I would add it would be, and I don't know if this is just personal preference, to maybe make it a bit snappier and kind of avoid some of the natural pauses people make when speaking. Remember, the attention span of an average Youtube viewer is ridiculously short, so the more jam packed every second of the video is with content, the less likely they are to tune out. Again it could just be me, but some of my favorite youtubers are seemingly like machines in the way they consistently and confidently churn out information.

That being said, I really enjoyed the video, this was more of a nitpick than anything else. I thought it was informative and well put together, I agree with SandMan's advice with editing but it didn't really bother me, in fact I hadn't even noticed until he brought those things up. And TMC Man seems like a crazy friggin dude :laugh2: Overall, some pretty good stuff, keep it up!
that's some pretty good points man. I think I've gotten better with the whole packing info into a smaller section (as my first videos were like 15 minutes long XD) but I'll definitely work some more on that. I think in editing, I leave a bit of a space so I'll definitely work on getting that shortened so it snaps quicker to the next jump cut at least. (at least I hope that's what you were referring to. It's almost 6am here so my brain is still booting up). Thanks for your feedback too man!
Ya know, I do have a set intro and outro, I'll have to keep consistantly posting them I actually am planning on making a new outro so that might help as well. Thanks for your feedback too man![DOUBLEPOST=1479383855,1479383704][/DOUBLEPOST]
that's some pretty good points man. I think I've gotten better with the whole packing info into a smaller section (as my first videos were like 15 minutes long XD) but I'll definitely work some more on that. I think in editing, I leave a bit of a space so I'll definitely work on getting that shortened so it snaps quicker to the next jump cut at least. (at least I hope that's what you were referring to. It's almost 6am here so my brain is still booting up). Thanks for your feedback too man!
Maybe you should get some coffee, then :D (I sincerely apologize for the embarrassingly terrible joke). Yeah, that's what I meant, I mean the length of the video and your delivery were spot on, this is more just a way to fine tune the vid if anything, definitely not a deal breaker or anything