Dutchie Abroad
Exploring the world one video at a time!
Hey everyone!
So I'm about 1,5 months in and this is the point that I start becoming more critical of my videos. Especially my sit-down-talk videos, because it is just me talking to a camera and I'm affraid people will get bored and click away. Now is my question: do my videos need more editting and if yes, what kind of things should I add? I already try to add titles and little comments where I can, though I feel like I'm getting lazy. If you look at my first two videos, they had a lot more pictures etc in them than my newer videos.
Second video (18-08-2017) :
Tenth video (17-09-2017) :
I think this is also partly me feeling bad about being able to edit these sit-down-talk videos so easily. I cut out all the unneeded parts, add some text and an endscreen and tadaaa, done. My vlogs need a lot more effort, since I need to sew together multiple clips with transitions and music.
So your opinions are highly appreciated and if you have some editting tips that would be fantastic!
So I'm about 1,5 months in and this is the point that I start becoming more critical of my videos. Especially my sit-down-talk videos, because it is just me talking to a camera and I'm affraid people will get bored and click away. Now is my question: do my videos need more editting and if yes, what kind of things should I add? I already try to add titles and little comments where I can, though I feel like I'm getting lazy. If you look at my first two videos, they had a lot more pictures etc in them than my newer videos.
Second video (18-08-2017) :
Tenth video (17-09-2017) :
I think this is also partly me feeling bad about being able to edit these sit-down-talk videos so easily. I cut out all the unneeded parts, add some text and an endscreen and tadaaa, done. My vlogs need a lot more effort, since I need to sew together multiple clips with transitions and music.
So your opinions are highly appreciated and if you have some editting tips that would be fantastic!
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