Constructive Criticism


Well-Known Member
Does anyone here do constructive criticism? We really want to know what we can improve on, and don't take it easy on us either. :)
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Hey there guys! I just watched both of your videos.
The first video I guess you agree with me that the video quality was not very good, the light on that video was very bad.
The second video where you talk about how to get sponsored, there is this white bright light reflecting on the side that doesn't look good.
The video has a good script but I would thing about doing it indoors with a more controlled light. A good Idea would be both of you sitting on the same table the camera.
Its just my view on the channel guys, you have only two videos and just started so I cant say much, but good luck on it! :D

I like your content, pretty funny. Definitely quality of audio stands out such as the wind muffling audio in your second video.

Must be hot where you're filming at and I can say it is kind of distracting when you are both sweating and talking about something relatively serious/professional. It's just like "why you sweating? Go for a run before this?" just makes me curious and you don't really address it haha.

Last, in terms of your content I don't think your channel is very serious i.e the music video in the beginning and the first video being like a joke so it might put off some people because they came to actually learn what you're saying but if they see that you yourselves aren't really taking it serious they might just leave.

Like Pedro is saying, only two videos out so not much to go off of. Would love to know what you think of my channel.
  1. On you most recent videos...Why not cut off the area you guys got lost in.
  2. The sweeting showed you guys were a little stressed (just my opinion)
  3. Scripting your videos might help a great deal.
  4. No video trailer (Add sections on your channel home page ) Together they give a presentable look and a little insight of the content you produce for those visiting for the first time.
Hope this point helps
okay here we go fam.
1) Scripting - jump cuts are nice, but not when they cut you mid sentence.
2) Audio - holy sh*t the air was loud af in your second vid
3) Content - i keked at the first vid, but the second one i clicked off within a minute. I think for now you should keep your vids short, script, make sure you do small things correctly before slowly increasing the duration of your vids and content type

hope this helped!
Best of luck!