Hey guys, my name is RainingRainbowz, or Jason, and I'm starting a channel and I'm prepping up my content and getting ready to start off. Now I'm wondering. In your beautiful minds opinions, is a channel trailer truly worth it? Is it worth implementing prior to releasing content? Or is it more for after you've let out some content to get attention? Then there is the video itself, what does a solid channel trailer consist of? What makes you stand out?
I prefer to watch videos without intros unless its building up the video but that is just my personal preference. It is your channel and decide what you want to do with it.
You do not need trailer. You can use your most popular video instead (or the best in your opinion).
I think channel trailer is different than video-intro. The goal of channel trailer is promote your YouTube channel to viewers that will enjoy and engage with your videos, so it is your channel Ad where as video intro is kind of animated channel logo which should be few seconds.
Your channel ads should be short video clips that give a preview of what your channel is about. Be sure to make your first 5 seconds really good. i believe, the ad duration should not exceed 3 minutes because very long trailer might make your audience feeling bored.

I think it worth implementing prior to releasing content because this is considered as your channel roadmap and so your coming videos will be built upon. However, if you choose to implement it after you've let out some content to get attention, this is also not so bad but anyway you need to create attractive content before start launching your channel.

this is what i have on mind and good luck
@zaffron Thanks a lot man, the depth of your response is helpful. I think you're right about implementing the trailer prior to releasing content, or at least before I release too much. It will provide people interested in my channel a chance to learn what I'm about despite my lack of content at the start. Thanks man!
Some people say it's not necessary but they're the ones who don't watch channel trailers. :D Other people do (me included) to quickly know what the channel's about and how it's presented. So I'd say make your trailer in the same style as your videos but make it as quick and exciting as you can (under a minute!)
I think it's a grey area. Some people may see a Channel Trailer and deem it proffessional and as a result associate your channel with HQ content. Others may just see it as a waste of there time, I suppose it largely depends on what emotions you can evoke through it.
I personally don't care for channel trailers...but trailer and intro are very different things. I usually do my most recent upload that I think will be popular, and then when a video does get over 5K I'll feature that one