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Derrick Toys

Happy Kids Happy Life!
As I was warned views have dropped dramatically after not uploading consistently. One video has 10k views and recent are barely 20.. did algo get angry with me? I've been learning new techniques rather than uploading.. not a good idea. Can I get make it up uploading more and get back on the algo rollercoaster?
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Actually I think there has been a platform wide drop in views for smaller channels. Don't panic. Time spent learning new things was definitely worth it. I think you'll get back on top of it in no time.
learning and investing in techniques that will benefit you in the future is definitely worth it. Dont worry, get back to uploading and apply those techniques you have learned and you'll get back in no time :)
Think something strange happened in the last few weeks that affected all channels - many large youtubers made videos moaning about it let alone smaller channels. Hopefully things have stabalized.
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