Are you embarrassed to be doing Youtube?

Nope, it's my hobby so it really isn't anything to be embarrassed about. I got no problem telling people I do YouTube for my hobby. And if it were my job I would tell them too. There is a lot of work that goes into making videos, and it isn't something to be embarrassed about. It's something to be happy and proud about!
nobody knows i started youtube again but on my old channel when i was high school most of my friends knew some liked my videos others didnt really care lol Not ashamed of it though especially when ive done it in the past.
Yes I definitely am. I had a channel before this one with 2000+ subscribers but my school friends found out about it so I deleted it. I had spent so many hours on it and it all went to waste. If my IRL friends found out about this channel I'd probably also delete it.
I use to be but now I stopped being scared to talk about it and share it with other people and it's the best thing in the world. I find that plenty of people I run into are actually inspired by the fact that I'm doing this channel. Of course there are people that think I'm stupid for doing what I do but it's not those people that us YouTubers do what we do for. We do it for the people that are inspired by what it is that we produce :)
I feel REALLY weird talking to my friends about it, but when they show some interest in it, I talk about it just fine. To my family? I only talk to it about them like this "Hey mom, I earned 10 cents, YA PROUD?!" As a joke, I am kinda emberessed now that you think of it, but it's a shyness type thing lol
Hey I'm fairly new so I'm pretty embarrassed about it. Considering I don't really tell them that I post videos. I just rely on forums and reddit to help with the views and spread of my video. I think I will tell them sooner or later though. YOU CANT ESCAPE YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY FOREVERRR
The only time I ever feel nervous about anything related to my channel is when vlogging in public because I haven't gotten used to it as I've only done it twice. In the end I try to tell as many people as possible in case any of them would be interested in my content. Of course I'm in college now so it's probably less weird than if I were in high school and possibly less weird than in "the real world" so that might have something to do with it.