Anyone find it hard to manage time?


Well-Known Member
Between my full time job, youtube, and the little bit of social life i have, i find it so difficult to manage everything. I want to find more time to network and talk to more youtubers, like on here, while still putting out nice content. And then i see other youtubers doing the same thing as me, but uploading like 3 lets plays a day! (i asked him and he basically said he doesnt sleep) But im just wondering if anyone has found some tips and tricks to getting more out of your time.
I'm working from 9-6 on weekdays and home time is precious.

It's not about pushing videos out of the door, but how to schedule them consistently. Do it too often and you would scare viewers away, do it too seldom and people would get bored.

For me, I'd list videos I plan to do, visualize the flow, and then compile at least one during the weekends if the contents are lengthy.

What do you do if you have several videos in hand? Good question, spread them out! Once or twice a week is ideal so you'd have more time to either spend time elsewhere or slowly cook up ideas for the forthcoming ones.
Uploading too much in 1 day isn't great it can saturate you channel some of the top YouTubers only do 1 a day or at the most 1 every 12 hours some heavy hitters like Vanoss on 18million subs does 10 a month so like 2 maybe 3 a week that's the same amount I do but I have rubbish upload speed I will do more per week when I get Fibre but I won't be doing more than 1 per day.
For now I'm only doing one a day, except on Monday when I do my weekly Vlog update. But when new games come out, and I'm not done with the current playthrough, I don't want to pick up the next playthrough and then it becomes irrelevant. That being said, I also don't want to finish a series long after everybody else has. ChristopherOdd is the youtuber i was referencing btw :) I really like his schedule. Vanoss's schedule works well for him because he doesnt do full playthroughs. Which thinking about it, none of the HUGE youtubers do that i can think of. Game Grumps are the biggest i can think of that do.
H20Delirious does a lot of full playthroughs like Alien Isolation and Outlast he has quite few actually and with 7.8million subs he does upload more frequently than Vanoss but not by much maybe 4 a week tops 5.

I do full walkthroughs on my Channel it doesn't always matter how long after the game comes out that you complete it some games remain popular for years and some become more popular when a DLC or sequel is announced so doesn't matter how quick you do them in most cases.
Which i wouldnt mind that. Maybe i just have to spend some time pumping out some videos, that way i can take more time to spend socially on places like this, and on other youtubers channels. Maybe just spend extra time on the weekend to squeeze out another 2-3 and stay ahead. Like right now, i've got a good 3-4 videos to upload that will be for the rest of the week and on monday so far.
I try to upload in advance so on my days off work I can do and upload enough content for 2 weeks I just keep the videos private and make them public at the right time on the right week and then I can fill in some on the normally non content days with a video of Depth or Dead by Daylight those matches only take about 10mins but are super fun to watch.
Na that's a really bad idea upload in advance and keep it private until you want it to be public make YouTube work for you not the other way around in my case with my upload speed I couldn't do what you do some of my videos take over 16hours to upload but some are over 30mins long.
im blessed with 30 gb lol. Ive just been scheduling videos. Less work than me. I plan each one to come out at 10am every day except the weekends. That tends to be my ramp up time. Like i recorded 4 episodes of ReCore over the weekend lol.