Thanks for your advice, I'm confused how YT works being a new channel I feel my few videos are good quality and I'm not getting the watch time I expected which discouraged me. Somehow I can't get YT out of my head and everyday I think about how to improve so I'm learning better thumbnails and creative content. Now I just have to think less and upload more lol
Today after chatting with my husband it makes sense to give my kids separate channels for a few reasons. First, I came across a small channel earlier that had a girly doll house review one day and the next day a macho superhero cars video. So as a viewer, the niches were too broad for me of what to expect next and that's when I made my decision. Plus, my boy and girl have their own unique personalities and taste for toys so it's cute for them to have their own, even if it means twice the work for me
Thanks again for your feedback, means a lot to advise me on my new channel given your success. I expected it to be much easier at first to get noticed but bummed after a few videos in and barely getting views. Feedback is important to see what to improve. I really enjoy the story telling/editing process of creating these videos. They are happy memories with my kids to always have. Though, I am discouraged putting hours of hard work to get little recognition. My kids love it always asking for videos with mommy and I love creating/editing mini movies of my family having fun. Starting out is not easy and I'm sure many people are trying to figure out how to be noticed too.
Sorry for the long message
No one I know has a clue about YT so it's refreshing talking to another mom that has experience in something I want to do! Is there a Facebook page for YT moms to connect easier??