Gaming A funny moments group with a more intense humor


Here's the basic thing:

I want to play games like GMod, CS GO (not my favorite but eh), Golf It!, and Cards Against Humanity.

There's one problem

I have nobody to do it with (Friends = RIP)

I'm 16, channel name Dewronty Gaming, about 100 subs
Here's the basic thing:

I want to play games like GMod, CS GO (not my favorite but eh), Golf It!, and Cards Against Humanity.

There's one problem

I have nobody to do it with (Friends = RIP)

I'm 16, channel name Dewronty Gaming, about 100 subs
I'm surprised to find someone old enough to even offer this. First Order Entertainment is a gamers/Content creators community. We try to help each other to improve and grow. We also offer a safe way to find collaborations. The problem is we need more members to increase the amount of help we can offer. Maybe you would consider it?

Check our signature and contact us with any questions or concerns.