Looking for a group of guys/girls to do some fun collabs with on pc or xbox one. I play all sorts of game but as of right now I'm playing Forza Horizon 3, Overwatch and going to be playing Titan Fall 2 when its released! You can add me on Xbox One (Omo Beerus) or on steam @ RhynoGaming. Not sure what my skype is for those of you who use skype but i will figure it out and let you know!
Looking for a group of guys/girls to do some fun collabs with on pc or xbox one. I play all sorts of game but as of right now I'm playing Forza Horizon 3, Overwatch and going to be playing Titan Fall 2 when its released! You can add me on Xbox One (Omo Beerus) or on steam @ RhynoGaming. Not sure what my skype is for those of you who use skype but i will figure it out and let you know!
Hey dude I would be interested in collabing with you. Im thinking about getting overwatch on xbox one around the holidays. I play a bunch others on xbox one and pc like cards against humanity, left for dead, golf with your friends, etc.
I may not be 18 or older, but i can be mature for my age, im mature enough to handle most situations. If I qualify reply back.
Hey I have overwatch and about to get forza 3! I also play bunch of steam games. I would be down to collaborate!