social media marketing

  1. S

    Social Media Video Marketing Strategy

    Social Media Video Marketing Strategy How to master video marketing on social media? * Social media has made video marketing more popular than ever. Videos allow brands to have a stronger and more personal impact than with text or images,while providing audiences with the...
  2. J

    Looking for YouTubers with under 20,000 subscriptions

    Hey! I'm the co founder of Horizon X Media. We're a social media company that helps individuals and small businesses. We're looking for smaller YouTube channels interested in help and feedback. We overall aim to help you grow your channel and fanbase, better interact with your subscribers, and...
  3. Mark Stise

    It's nice to be able to watch your channel grow!

    Hello everyone: I've only been on YTTALK for about a month now give or take a week or so. And I've seem and read a lot of ideas on how to grow your channel. With my Star Wars Clone Wars channel is was pretty simple make music videos using Clone Wars footage. I quickly began to grow a fan base...
  4. Alan Spicer YT Tips

    How To Measure ROI With Social Media - Social Media For Beginners 2018 (9/10)

    How To Measure ROI With Social Media - Social Media For Beginners 2018 (9/10) // Measuring Social Media ROI is very important in understanding what is working, what you need to improve on or what you can rely on to get you traffic. Return on Investment (ROI) can help you reinvest in more...
  5. Alan Spicer YT Tips

    How To Get Started On LinkedIn - Social Media For Beginners (8/10)

    How To Get Started On LinkedIn - Social Media For Beginners (8/10) // LinkedIn for Beginners - LinkedIn is Facebook but for business contacts. LInkedIn is a great place to network, show off your business, learn from the groups and grow. Today we talk about How To Get Started On LinkedIn...
  6. Alan Spicer YT Tips

    How To Get Started On Instagram - Social Media For Beginners 2018 (7/9)

    How To Get Started On Instagram - Social Media For Beginners 2018 (7/9) // Instagram for Beginners as part of my Social Media For Beginners in 2018 Series. Instagram is a fairly new social media platform that revolves around pictures and hashtags. The art of Instagram is being able to take a...
  7. Alan Spicer YT Tips

    13 Things You Can Do to Improve Your Social Media in 2018 - Social Media Podcast

    Social Media in 2018 is predicted to have many changes and things to pay attention to like Generation Z, VR and Augmented Reality. While I think most of it is irrelevant to the everyday business (like yours) there are still things you should plan to do to help your social media in 2018. On this...
  8. Alan Spicer YT Tips

    7 Things To Do Before Getting Started With Social Media Marketing - Desiree Martinez

    7 Things To Do Before Getting Started With Social Media Marketing - Social media can be a minefield of to dos and what not to dos. So you help you get started make sure you have down your ground work here are 7 Tips To Get You Started On Social Media Marketing. Subscribe For Regular Marketing...
  9. Alan Spicer YT Tips

    What Social Media Platforms Should I Use? - Social Media For Beginners (4/7)

    What Social Media Platforms Should I Use? - Social Media For Beginners (4/7) // There is a wide range of social media platforms these days and that can be confusing. How do you know what social media platform I should use? It may be best to start with what you know and add to that base as you...
  10. Alan Spicer YT Tips

    How To Get Started On Facebook - Social Media For Beginners 2018 (5/9)

    How To Get Started On Facebook - Social Media For Beginners 2018 (5/9) // Facebook marketing can be a gold mine for many small businesses looking to stand out. Facebook advertising and social media marketing is always best with a social base and you can't get more solid than the largest social...
  11. B

    Posting full length videos on multiple social platformas as a promotion method?

    When it comes to sharing YouTube videos on social media as a promotion method while you're microscopic with only a few videos up, I heard different things form different sources - some say that it's best to just post announcements and teasers on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, while others say...
  12. SimpleUnboxingTV

    Let's talk about views!

    Hello fellow Youtubers! :happy: For some time now I have been trying to figure out a good way to gather people to actually have a look at my channel/content! I've been trying to spread my videos in facebook groups, sadly most of the time you get hit by that "SUB4SUB" and as most of us know...
  13. jd_techsetupgear

    Most effective way to promote your videos?

    There's a bunch of platforms and social media sites to promote videos, but what do you guys find the most effective? I'm just curious so I can focus a little bit more attention to learning specific and effective platforms rather than just posting a bunch promotion haphazardly.
  14. DivideAndConquer

    I seemed to have stalled out

    My YouTube channel has been stuck at 236 subscribers now for a while and has been going down in views. I'm wondering how I can turn this around? I mostly do VR Let's Plays and survival game Let's Plays. should I be doing more vlogs? how should I go about promoting my YouTube channel on social...
  15. HyDraid

    What Is The Best Social Media Platform ?

    Hey, I just wonder what social media platform works the best for you and why it works the best :)
  16. FestusFX

    How do you use Reddit ?

    Well, I use social media like : Facebook, Instagram, Twitter Etc Etc But I never used Reddit before and It seems really cool but I don't know how it works :s Can somebody help or give a tip for Reddit ?
  17. FestusFX

    Best social media to promote your content

    Well, I made epic video's with good quality etc... But my problem was that the video's didn't have many views... I did used some social media to promote the video's but it wasn't effective. But now, some months later, I found a really cool way to promote your content. I made a facebook profile...
  18. Sam Oh

    Q & Actionable Answers - Get Socially Featured

    Hi all, I recently started a Q & A series on YouTube called Marketing in Two Minutes. Fellow marketers/entrepreneurs ask questions and get actionable answers in 2 minutes or less. I'm looking for online marketing related questions to help y'all spend less time researching and more time...
  19. zebrastripes

    How to work social media?

    So I have decided to really try at my youtube channel again. I have been really slacking because of school and I remember one of my biggest problems being that I didn't know how to use social media for youtube very well. I didn't know how often to post or what to post exactly. I could really use...
  20. CrystalD

    Is it Worth making a Tumblr to market videos?

    Something I've been curious about for a long time. Every non-YouTube friend of mine has said "Oh no, you don't need a tumblr because it would be the same as marketing on twitter and facebook" but I wanted to ask actual YouTubers - is there any benefit to starting a tumblr for the purposes of...