
  1. benoftheweek

    Killer Clown Prank!

    I finally pranked my friend by standing outside her door in a clown costume! Will she ever forgive me? To be determined!

    New Comedy and Pranks channel : Would Love a review !

    Me and my friends just made this channel very recently ad plan to make funny prank videos ! We would really appreciate it if y'all review the layout of our channel and our first video titled " Insane Car Robbery Prank". Any constructive criticism would be appreciated. More videos coming soon.
  3. ItzRicoSuave


    i made a rant video on why prank channels are cancer and it barely cracked 50 views. I feel like there's something I'm doing wrong, but i can't find it. Would you guys mind pointing me in the right direction
  4. R

    Comedy Public Pranking Around UK Birmingham / Coventry

    Hey I'm Rhys a YouTuber with over 8000 combined views Recently I've been wanting to start public pranking but I Cant do it by myself! I thinking a collab would be great! just a few things before replying... I don't want to meet a 40 y/o so I only want to collab with someone over 11 and under 15...
  5. Branden Morales


  6. ItsMeRich


    In this video I will prank two friends using lyrics friends m perfect strangers. Enjoy the video
  7. Ballistic

    Pranking my Hot EX!

    Well the title says it all
  8. Frankie95


    Hellp, My name is Faisal, my channel is FrankobizTV. I'm looking to collab with someone who is also as determined as I am on Youtube. I have an idea for a prank in which I believe has never been done before on youtube. I will not be talking about the idea publicly here but I am willing to...
  9. Eddie Henderson

    Comedy Looking to do a collab with Pranksters!

    I am looking to collab with someone that has preferably between 100 and 1k subs to do public pranks with. I live in the U.S. I will give details if anyone is interested. If you dont want to collab and just want to watch you can sub to my channel mrskabzz. Have an amazing day!! :)
  10. Crown

    YouTube "prank" backfires

    Has anyone seen this video? This is currently going viral and it shows a pretty pathetic "prankster" getting owned: What makes me sad about this: -The girl will probably lose her job. - His video has gone viral. (yeah I shouldn't be giving it any more publicity but I just feel like venting)...
  11. ShoopkoTube

    How to get your video viral?

    Hi guys! It's been a while since I've post here on the Forums! I know this is a tough question, but if anyone has some tips and tricks to boost a little my channel maybe it'll help my and other people out here! :) Check out my latest vid and tell me your honest thoughts! ;D
  12. Munesh Ramnarine

    PRANKED MY MOM, she spazzed out lmao

    Hope you enjoy, more to come!
  13. G

    Funny video to watch

    go to youtube and search playing a prank on my college professor !!! its really funny
  14. RyanBoyer

    PEPPER EXTRACT PRANK! (Extremely Hot Sauce)

    About a month ago I Pranked my friend pretty good, now I'm looking for neat, unique ideas to do it again! Let me know if you have any suggestions?! :D
  15. ShoopkoTube

    Channel trailer?

    Hi guys! What do you think of my channel's trailer that I made few days ago. Is it good or it needs some improvements? Tell me your thoughts. Thank you guys! ;)
  16. ShoopkoTube

    How to reach out more crowd?

    Hi guys! I have a bit of a struggle of getting more views and subs. I know I should upload more frequently but I think it's quality over quantity -for me. Now I have 405 subs. I started (actively) with my cahannel Septebmer 2015. If you have any tips and tricks for my channel to grow please...
  17. DennyK

    Comedy YO Let's Make Youtube Great again

    Looking to Collab in Cleveland area. Mockumentaries and pranks.
  18. Jay Dilla


    Hey guys! I got my buddies to do a challenge with me and get girls to kiss them! check it out and support if you can! I will certainly return the favor!
  19. RizzleyVlogs


    Hey guys My channel RizzleyVlogs is looking to set up RizzleyTV, a channel just dedicated for pranks, comment trolling and social experiments, over the summer. Is there anywhere in the West Midlands willing to collab later this year? (or even further afield in the UK)
  20. Babison


    Hi I am a upcoming Prankster looking to also move into gaming and vlogs in the future I have alot of very unique prank ideas that other YouTubers have not done I take YouTube very serious I have multiple editing software such as; Photoshop CS6 or CC Adobe After Effects latest version (CS6) Sony...
  21. S

    Channel Suggestions/Tips

    Hey, I have a prank YouTube channel, and was wondering if anyone could give me advice for improvement. I think my content has gotten alot better since i started but there is still work to be done. I also know i need to upload more consistently. Please let me know what I do good, and what I...
  22. T

    Comedy Big Chance For Pranksters!

    Hello, we at Top Banter currently have a great chance for pranksters to make a name for themselves! You may have heard of Top Banter from Facebook as we have a page with over 60,000 UK fans and still growing at a respectable pace. We also have a Youtube channel with just 4 videos with a total of...
  23. Deon Greenwood


    newish youtuber, with 60 subs and over 1,200 views from 4 videos. looking for a collab! a skit, challenge or prank!
  24. ShoopkoTube


    Hi guys! Let me get straight to the point! My name is Ivan, 24 yo, CEO haha of ShoopkoTube (my channel). I make funny vids and some other stuff that I find interesting, essentially I'm doing pranks ( NEW PRANK SOON xD ). I think that collaboration is very important for us ''little guys''...
  25. GilstrapTV

    Comedy Arizona Prank/Comedy Collaboration

    Hello, I started my YouTube channel 2 months ago and I Love it! The only problem I have run into is that its hard with only one person at times. I was curious if there is anyone else in Arizona (I do not mind driving) that would be interested in collaborating at least every other week. We could...
  26. TaheezyTv

    Ferrari Gold Digger Prank! (Hilarious road rage)

    I'm relatively new to Youtube I would say. I have been making Youtube for about 3-4 months, I really enjoy it. I just hope to make entertaining pranks and social experiments that will make someone smile or laugh. Check it out, let me know what you think. There will be plenty more where that...
  27. Cihan Kosif TV

    Kidnapping Prank

    This week we pick up the people from bus station to the car hardly. Please watch and comment
  28. Insane Pranks

    What It's Like to Film Prank Videos

    Hey everyone, I thought that since I actually have some experience in the field of filming public pranks that I would share some insight to what its actually like to film those pranks. It basically consists of sitting in the bushes for a long time until someone comes along who you can prank. We...
  29. S

    Comedy Collab wanted!!

    Comment below your username and lets work out a public prank and post 2 versions on each others channels. Preferably living in las vegas if not then we can still work something out. Lets grow our channels!!!
  30. Deltoy

    Prank Calling Employees for Their Number

    So my friend and I prank call various stores and ask the employees for their number. :) lol