
  1. B

    Best Branding Practices for Your YouTube Channel

    The most important thing is that the channel graphics/art reveals the look, consider and personality of your YouTube channel. You should add some info regarding the videos you design and your publishing plan if you can. For branding your channel design cover images and your profile pic should be...
  2. Conncast

    Changing the Style+Upload Frequency Advice

    Hey there, I am looking for some advice on how to change my channell's general aesthetic, I am looking for something to match my profile picture yet still capture the essence of the cover photo I have, I am perhaps thinking putting down the emblems of X politicians featured on my cover photo in...
  3. Itz chris gaming

    Request Need an intro but im willing to do something.

    I need to get an intro and there is a good 10 seconds of a song i want to use. I just cant get making my own to work. So if someone can email me here : if they can do it, i will send you the song. In return in every video your name will be in the description and in a video i...
  4. cboxhero

    What I think everyone needs to understand

    Good branding is not cheap. If you want good graphics for cheap, then I guess you're just not going to get anything good, sorry. If you look at any large youtubers, with even 50k subs or above, they ALL pay for their branding. And they pay well. If they're not paying, they're doing it...
  5. CorrosiveLick

    is there anyway to make insane brandings for your channel?

    hello, this is corrosivelick and i am really interested in finding out how to make my own custom branding for my channel that will really wow my viewers and give my community a more positive outlook on my channel.
  6. KrivixHD

    KrivixHD My Gaming Channel ;)

    So I don't know how to fix my youtube link so here So my channel rn I do Graphic design, minecraft, and csgo, but I'm getting a lot of games in this coming month is be ready for a lot of content as well as I have been posting pretty much...
  7. DummyCraft

    Services Really Cheap 3D Graphics(profile picture, channel art, thumbnails)

    Hello everyone, thank you for taking the time to check out my post. I make 3D graphics in C4D. My pricing is very cheap, I will give an estimate depending on the time I have to spend making it, and complexity of the project. Contact -
  8. S


    We make a big variety of Channel banners , Intros , Profile pictures and we do Teamspeak Developing. Intros are only £2.50 and Channel Banners £1.50 We also make Youtube Profile Pictures for 50p and Teamspeak developing for £1.50 The intros and Channel banners come in lots of different colours...
  9. Z

    Looking for an Artist/Designer for channel art/channel logo

    I am looking for a graphic designer who i can work with to help me create the necessary things needed for Youtube channel just starting out to help gain an audience such as: Channel Art Video intros/outros Logos About me: My name is Zackary Squire, I am 19 years old from Windsor Ontario...
  10. I

    Request Looking for a logo creator

    Hey guys I have some great new ideas for a new and upcoming YouTube channel called INDIVILLO, I am planning on uploading shoe review, on shoe videos, and videos pretty much about dope shoes. I was hoping someone could make me a simple logo for my channel, I don't have money to offer but I am...
  11. Salvatore

    Request Need motion graphic for videos

    I need motion graphic designer for making videos. Our team is made by a writer, a voice over guy and a music and sfx supervisor. We need a motion graphic designer to make high quality videos. Please let me know if you can help us. -Thank you
  12. Dominik Vodicka

    Graphic channel.

    Hey guys. I am starting youtuber and At first I do lot of graphic stuff and this is my latest intro. Even doing templates for other youtubers. Let a critic here. I would appreciate every support and good ideas ;)
  13. Dominik Vodicka


    Hey guys, I'd like to know your criticon this intro or even on my channel, cuz I am a starting "youtuber" and I try to make a 3D stuff and desktop/timeline pictures, abstract graphic and etc. I hope U will like it. C u.
  14. CorinneBryan

    Request Channel design

    I'm a beauty channel and just want a nice simple basic but cute channel design, whats the best software or website to create a better banner/logo on. Thnakyou :D
  15. Nanonium

    The Design Of Channel Banner And Profile Picture

    I'm not good with what looks good and what looks ugly, what suggestions can you give for a design for a channel banner or profile picture and what things do you suggest which should be on either the channel banner of profile picture
  16. caleb_gl

    Services [CHEAP] High Quality Logos / Artwork /// DEEPBLUEVIOLET

    DEEPBLUEVIOLET BRANDING SERVICES Let's get right into it. CONTACT: SKYPE: djsmileyguy EMAIL: YOUTUBE: TheHollowMusicNY MORE EXAMPLES ON REQUEST. [/SIZE] LOGOS: (Profile Pictures / Channel Logo) One Logo - 2.00$ Two Logos - 2.75$ Three Logos - 3.25$ CHANNEL ART...
  17. Pixel & Bracket

    100 Subs / 4k Views!

    Hi everybody! On August 3rd I posted my 50 Sub / 2k Views thread and here we are in September now at 100 Subs and 4,000+ views! For those of you that have subscribed, thank you so much! For others growing their own channels, keep at it. It may seem like it's never going to grow, but it will...
  18. Mechton

    Finished/Closed Free High Quality Graphics! (C4D) (Photoshop)

  19. M

    Art Drawing Channel.. Needs Advice..

    Hi! I am new on youtube, I try to make a time lapse drawing video of famous portrait.. I will more thing when times come.. This time, I will make 1 video for one day.. I will draw famous portrait, when iPhone 7 is realized I was drawing steve jobs.. I will change camera position soon.. Can...
  20. M

    Does My Channel Look Professional?

    Dear all, I just downloaded Photoshop again and decided to recreate my channel design and I was wondering if my channel banner/avatar look professional with my thumbnails. Would you be more inclined to sub? Do they complement my thumbnails? Thanks for the help! Sincerely, CELLUS
  21. Jonatan Moser

    Need a creative second opinion on my channel design

    Hi creative people of YTtalk! I just finished updating my homemade channel graphic. Would any of you guys mind taking a look and telling me what you think? And if you don't mind, I'd like to get a second opinion my channel trailer as well. I really just want to improve, and I gladly take any...
  22. BettyisHere

    Outro Design, What you think of mine?

    Hey guys and gals. so I recently watched a YouTube video on how to make an outro Banner for my YouTube videos And I would like some comments and feed back if the colours are too much or recommend any changes? Im not an expert of Photoshop so I followed a tutorial and then came up with my...
  23. Gameoverjack

    Services 2 Proffesional Custom Thumbnails for $1(PayPal)

    Hey! I am GameOverJack and I have 4 years of experience in the whole youtube gfx scene! And also I am the official designers for QualityDarren (27k subs) and ElectricShock (15k subs)! And so as the Title says I have this offer where you pay me $1 through PAYPAL and I can make you 2 thumbnails...
  24. Defusion

    New Channel Art

    Hey guys, a while ago I posted a thread asking for feedback on my channel design, and I actually received a lot of good ideas. I've taken them into consideration, and also done some research by looking at other channels that do the same kind of videos as me. As a result of this, I have made a...

    New Channel Design!

    So i listened to everybody's feedback on my recent post and decided to redo the entire banner for my channel. Please let me know what you think.
  26. Kervin Noel

    My Digital Art Channel

    Hey everyone. My name is Kervin. I run a digital art channel where I usually post speeddesigns of digital art I design for my clients. I've recently decided to start doing more digital art and drawings, I hope to make a lot more videos and I hope to improve my skills a lot more. So i'm...
  27. Cole James Anderson

    Should I change my color scheme?

    Hi! My name is Cole. Please respond with constructive criticism. Thank you! I recently started a news show called #WPF (that will soon be getting a bit of a budget increase) and the color scheme is something quite similar to a show I don't quite want to be associated with. The current color...
  28. ShawnMcCallum

    Channel Design Overhall

    I was hoping to get some feedback on my channel design. Graphics. Intros. Etc. What you think I could do to improve my design? Who designed your graphics? Does anybody know how to add playlists directly under "videos" on mobile. Without clicking to another tab. I've seen it on some channels...
  29. Fee007


    Take a look at this free hand zebra print design! Animals galore!!:kiss:
  30. Fee007


    Remember acid wash!! They're baaaccck!! :cold:Take a look at this design!:)