Active Member
Does creator x give you sponsorships and all the full partner features and everything that fullscreen does and does getting with a network actually increase ur subs and viewsPer Youtube - as your views, CPM's, subscriber base, and other metrics increase - they will open up other advantages. This includes Banner's, ads, thumbnail, adverts, etc. If you notice, There are several partners (who were partnered before) who still have everything you get with a network.. with out being networked. RWJ was not partnered for a while and still kept all of his stuff (banners, ads, etc). Networks are a short cut to those advantages. You also get the advantage of being.. well.. networked.
As for the advantages? The really only two things that I can say is that the banner does help and Creator X has been wonderful in getting back to me and taking ownership of any issues I have. When it comes to why I get subs every day, my views are at +200 a day.. and i am trending up at an 'above average' rate. That's all meCreator X and Fullscreen are MORE THEN WELCOME TO ADVERTISE ME MORE.. Juuuust putting it out there