Creator X
YTtalk Mad
We agree partnership with a network has a lot benefits. Especially in certain special circumstances where you can simply get further with a network and their tools.Bryant i'm not sure your right on that one mate .......collab opps / good royalty free music for musicians ie cover artists / blog exposure .........the list goes on ....creator x would u agree and perhaps u could share some of things other than the norm u bring 2 the table
It's not for everyone, but it's not to be discounted either.

Outside of the norm... audio library, network promotions, bulk annotations, Facebook app for each partners Facebook, sponsorhip system with higher CPM opportunities (non-standard ads), private community forums, and personal support. (see, we bolded that last one... because we're so personable! haha)
You're right on certain things being more user-driven than network driven. We only put the medium in place right now. (forums, twitter connections) That said, some creators are much more likely to collab "in network" because they are familiar with the community or we make the suggestion.that's true. but from what I understand, a lot of it seems to be user-driven, meaning you still have to reach out to others to do the collabs. To me, a big draw was the added fact that you got all those cool features (banners, subscribe button thingy, etc.). Of course, I need to do more research on this, but that's what it looks like to me. I will admit that having that community can be good, which is a big draw for me, personally. I'm not too sure what kinds of exposure opportunities are given, so I will have to look into that too.
I guess it also depends on what type of youtuber you are too.
But by dwindling, I meant there are less benefits than before because youtube is rolling out those partner features. I'm not saying that networks are less favorable than just plain youtube partnership/adsense (the default). I'm saying that networks now might be slightly less favorable compared to networks a few months ago.
In regards to "exposure opportunities" I think we touched on that in another thread... as far as Creator X anyway. (if not, or anything needs clarified, please PM us)
You've gotten us curious, so we're going to research and try to nail down exactly what benefits partners can get without being networked taking into account the newer policies and YouTube design. We'll let you know what we find out.

Creator X