Whats the story behind your channel name?

I have been using it for a screen name for things for a long time so it just made sense to me to use it as my youtube name.
It was my Xbox Live username way back when. Harius is latin for my real name, and Awesome is one of my defining attributes, so I just kinda put the two together.
My channel name is TreeDeluxe :D My gaming nickname used to be just "Deluxe" but i wanted something unique that wherever i try to sign up its not gonna be taken so i remembered that my friends call me Tree(sometimes) becouse im really tall so i was like "Treedeluxe" why not it sounds cool :D (I legit didn't made that up i swear)
It's my xbox username (minus the x's) and I used to be obsessed with Chucky and the entire Childs Play series:happy2:
I've been DarkStarSomething ever since my 17th birthday, so almost 6 years now!
I love language (hence my videos) and oxymorons were a thing for me at the time, so I started writing a story called Dark Star when I received a laptop for my birthday. It kind of stuck - and all because I was looking to fill the time while I waited for my internet connection to get sorted out! I was DarkStarPoet for ages because I wrote poetry for many years, and so DSP or simply DarkStar were how people came to know me.

When I took up photography in 2012, I couldn't think of a name and went for Dark Star Photography. It ended up turning into a name I loved. I'm DARKSTARPHOTO or DarkStarPhotoUK on my photography social networks now.

I started up my YouTube channel in May and wanted to teach photography and offer editing tutorials, but a few weeks in, I realised I wasn't happy with limiting myself to a single subject, so I rebranded and became DARKSTARMEDIA 2 months later. Now I teach photography, language and a little bit of everything else!
I rejected a lot of love interests in school and all my friends thought I could catch the most wenches on a rainy day (they parodied its raining men). Since I've known my main group of mates for 7+ years now I kinda let this name stick since it was a good memory and serves to show how strong our bond as friends have grown.