Most Networks won't pay a fixed CPM over $3 unless you have like a 75-80% Retention Rate, High Click-Thru, and Hundreds of thousands of views per video. Now, I could be wrong on that entire assumption, but from a business standpoint (since I am a small business owner) I would NOT want to pay someone more than I had to unless I KNEW they could deliver.
Now don't take this next part the wrong way.
I pulled your stats, took a look and compared them to my own stats, now granted, we don't make the same CPM, however, even with SocialBlade's 'Estimates' my % CPM is going to make me more money than your Fixed CPM.
If on the High End you'd make about 40K a year with SB's Estimated Earnings, my channel will make about 60K with the high end Estimated Earnings, and I have always loved a percentage, I would never sign anything that said you can only make a certain amount per 1,000 Views, simply because that would be the worse way to go I think...