I am learning/using Adobe Premeir Pro and am thinking of getting the student yearly licence. Premeir Pro seems to me much more convient, but it depends on your workflow!
Currently im just using imovie but being a noob, its all a learning process for me. Although I would like to try Avid im hearing a lot of good things about it.
Premiere pro is the industry standard and works fantastic for video editing and exporting to YouTube. If you're a student, it's definitely worth picking up the Adobe CC Creative suite membership! This is basically the YouTube starter pack; as you will probably at some point want to use Photoshop, Premiere Pro and After Effects when making videos or thumbnails/ banner.
LightWorks is a great free alternative, but takes a bit of time to get used to. I'd avoid the likes of WMM (Windows Movie Maker) as although these are fine for putting clips together, the workflow is very inefficient and basic (borderline dumbed down) export settings limit your control over your outcomes.
Hope this helped!

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