Video Editing Computers.

Understood...last one before someone says we are going off topic: I hope you get picked up by one of the big networks; you definitely have the right amount of drive!
Why thank you! :) I've been doing some work experience at CNN today and I was actually invited back to go on a filming shoot again and invited back by one of the edits (who also gave me their number) so hopefully I will be able to try and get an internship there after college or uni :P
CPU: AMD bulldozer 4130 3.8 ghz quad core
Motherboard: Gigabyte 78lmt
RAM: 4gb ddr3 Vengeance Ram
Graphics Card: 7770 Ghz edition
Power Supply: 500 watt (dodgy psu)

My rig is not to good but it does the job :)
CPU: amd fx-6300
Motherboard: asus m5a78 usb3
RAM: 4gb
Graphics Card: msi gtx 760 ( twin frozr, oc )
Power Supply: Corsair CS 550
Any Other comments: Corsair Vengeance 1500 , Logitech G400 ( <3 this mouse )
i dont have so powerful pc but its good for what i do

CPU: Intel i3-390M Processor 2.66 ghz
Motherboard: Gigabite (i dont really know that)
RAM: 4
Graphics Card: ATI HD 4850
Power Supply: i dont really know this at all
CPU: AMD Phenom II X3 (Forgot model #)
RAM: Combined 6 GB DDR3 (Don't kbow company that made my ram) and my 660's 2GB GDDR5 RAM
GPU: Asus Nvidia GTX 660
Moba (not the genre): Asus Motherboard (same as CPU)
PSU: 700-900 Watt. (Same as 6GB RAM, I dunno company that made my PSU)
Last edited:
CPU: AMD FX8350 4.0GHz
Motherboard: ASRock 990 Fx Extreme 3
RAM: Ballistix sport XT 8GB
Graphics Card: GigaByte GTX 660
Power Supply: CX 750
Any Other comments: CTI Vantage Diablo Case, 120GB Samsung SSD, WD Green 2TB HDD and 2 Monitors! I LOVE IT!