Ultimate Guide To SEO (Appear At The Top Of Searches!)

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Thanks for this, it has been hugely insightful :D Now I just gotta think of a really good specific keyword to go with a horror series
I would say you probally over did it. Youtube tends to penalize for keyword density thats too high. I have seen some of my videos do thid before though. It is weird, but they usually ended up on page 1 in the end. What search are you ranking for and what video is it?

What would be the perfect proportion of keywords in the channel description? I heard you should use the keyword 6 times in a 1000 characters description.
Thanks for your response! :) From my personal experiences and research, and I have found this area to be relatively inconsistent. For a larger channel trying to rank for an overall idea, yes you are correct. You want every single tag that relates what so ever. For smaller channels, it is often impossible to rank for things that are only semi-related. With that in mind, I tend to pick one or two search phrases to rank for instead of a whole area of videos. I have found that when doing this adding extraneous tags seems to lower the value of your primary tags. There is definitely a place for using the entire tag box, but oftentimes this seems to hurt results. I'm glad you agree with everything else. :)

Your completely right about #2 tags. I see a huge shift of bigger youtubers switch from filling up the entire tags character limit to having just 4-5 good couple word tags (not any single words). You were dead right and I was slow to pick up on this trend. Job well done sir! :)
Very cool information here! I completely agree that some of this material is overlooked. However I do have one question...

Example: I'm a guitarist and many of my videos are covers. Obviously I include the band I'm covering, song title, and "(Guitar Cover)" in the title.

Ex : Avenged Sevenfold - "Hail To The King" (Guitar Cover)

That is the direct title of one of my videos. My question is this.. Would it be more helpful to include the name of the guitar I'm using, or possibly any other keyword into the title? This may be aimed more towards musicians. However, I think any feedback is useful in this discussion. I'm sure everyone has had experience with what keywords they use regarding their page, that has helped being included in the title.
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