The smart dingus guide to Reddit.

Thanks for the reminder @Sabrina Dot Kom. There is one thing I don't get yet.... If you post a video on Reddit, do you advertise it as being your video or do you take a neutral approach? So if I want to post a video of my guitar solo, do I say: "This is my Santana style solo" or "here is a Santana style solo"? And do you want a neutral name or a name related to your YT channel? What about posting more videos?
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I've been thinking of using Reddit to help me out with my channel and just gaining fans but i'm seriously unaware of how to go about it! Any tips to efficiently get my name out there and use the website right! I literally know almost nothing about Reddit!
I do news based news videos. So do I put it in news? I have found a good news sub reddit, to that's a positive. 2,000 people in that one. But my other news based things, I just don't know where to put them!
Well at least we aren't the only confused ones ;)

We have never used reddit (though we are about to give it a go!) as far as we can tell, simply showing up and posting your content will get you banned in a hurry. Fin a relevant subreddit, actually join the conversation, then post a video. As long as you don't go overboard you should be ok.

This of course is only our understanding of it.
Great thread!

I have not yet used reddit to advertise my channel, because I just started. But I have been using reddit a lot for enjoyment. I therefore feel I can contribute to this thread.

Reddit Shadow banning and you!

What is a shadowban and how do I avoid it?

This guide is for everyone out there who are starting to use reddit to promote their youtube content. One of the most important things to know about reddit is the so-called shadow ban.

A shadow ban is like being ''ghost banned'' from youtube. When you are shadow banned on reddit, you can post freely on the website and see your own comments. But there is a catch. No one else can see your comments!!!

Why is this so important you might ask. Well the reason is simple. If you are promoting your own content it is very easy to get shadow banned. As a rule of thumb you want to have 9/10 posts being about stuff that is not your own content. So make sure to be a active redditor (thats what we call ourselves ;) ) by replying to other peoples posts or by posting stuff that is not your own content.

FREE PRO TIP - If you are looking to fill up your 9 / 10 quota, I give you the following pro tip on what to post. Something that is always popular on reddit is posts relating to cute kittens or how much you hate comcast.

How do I find out if I am shadow-banned?

So now we have covered what a shadow ban is, and how to avoid getting shadow banned. The next important issue is how to find out if you are shadow banned. If none of your recently posted posts are getting any likes OR dislikes, it is very likely that you have been shadowbanned.

To find out for certain whether you have been shadowbanned you should go to reddit, and search the subreddit for shadowbans. On that subreddit there is a popular post with a link to a website that can tell whether or not you are shadowbanned.

Otherwise you can simply ask on the subreddit for shadowbans whether you are shadowbanned.

What do I do if I am shadow banned

Ok this is the only thing I am not entirely sure off... Seeing as how I have not been a naughty girl myself, I have never been shadowbanned. So I can not speak from experience... But I think you can just create a new account to avoid the shadowban... But again I am not 100 % sure about this!


If you found any mistakes in the above made post, please tell me so I can correct it ASAP! If you have any questions on reddit feel free to ask.

By the way. Is it ok if I copy and paste this post to another thread on the forum? The reason is simple, the other thread is newer, and thus more relevant. I just want people to know about the shadow ban since its very important for advertising your stuff on reddit.
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Ooo. I literally just googled "Where to Post Gaming Reviews on Reddit," to see if I could get some ideas, and lo and behold there's a subreddit called r/gamereviews. :xd: Pretty damned convenient. :tonguecute: