The Most Desired Partner Network?

What is the dream partner network for a YouTuber? As in, majorly selective and signed with the biggest YouTube celebrities?

Is there anywhere I can find out who the biggest YouTube stars are signed with?

I ask because my channel just went BOOM (in a good way) and (while I've been monetizing all along) I've already turned down a few partnership offers because I have commitment issues and don't want to get tied into anything if I can find something better. For example Fullscreen, which I understand is a fine company to partner with, is not very selective.

I'm currently considering Big Frame, who partners people like Mystery Guitar Man, Dave Days, and Destorm, but I was wondering if you lovely people know of anyone else I should look into before signing any contracts?

Go big or go home, right?

Thanks so much, this forum is amazing!
Congrats on your channel going BOOM in a good way :) I have left a comment and subscribed :D
If you search a youtuber's socialblade page, it says what network they are partnered with. You type (xxxxx is their username). For example, if you search JennaMarbles, you see she's with a network called "BigFrame", which I personally have never heard of.
that's very cool info
Whom ever you going to sign to or work with make sure you...

  • Set up a Contract that does make everything clear so you don`t get double crossed at any Point.
  • Don`t join the first Network/... that ask you. Get three or more offers and compare those with each other.
  • Test their Support - If you sent them a Mail and it does take longer then a few Hours to get an answer don`t waste your Time with them. Some Networks are nowadays so huge that they start to only care about their Big Names and that can be pretty much be a pain if you need some Help at any Point.
  • Don`t sell you to cheap - Nothing in Life is Free so why should you work for someone else and get paid in the End for less then what you are worth.
I applied for socialblade yesterday... *fingers crossed* They have a nice little intro on their site and seem really nice! :) I had no idea there were so many partnering people lol
PhazerNetwork !!!! We have an 80% payout plan 1.8k+ subs on our main hub and our best partner gets 13million views a month!! We pay out $1.80 per 1000 views on average. Be sure to check out our hub channels and leave us some feedback on how we can grow as a network and one day be as big as machinima and TGN. Tgn is quite good also we partner through the same company as tgn
What is the dream partner network for a YouTuber? As in, majorly selective and signed with the biggest YouTube celebrities?

Is there anywhere I can find out who the biggest YouTube stars are signed with?

I ask because my channel just went BOOM (in a good way) and (while I've been monetizing all along) I've already turned down a few partnership offers because I have commitment issues and don't want to get tied into anything if I can find something better. For example Fullscreen, which I understand is a fine company to partner with, is not very selective.

I'm currently considering Big Frame, who partners people like Mystery Guitar Man, Dave Days, and Destorm, but I was wondering if you lovely people know of anyone else I should look into before signing any contracts?

Go big or go home, right?

Thanks so much, this forum is amazing!
I'm not sure if anyone answered this or not but most of the big time youtubers are actually partnered straight with you tube. That's why you see a lot of them with separate gaming channels since youtube it self doesn't allow let's plays.
I'm not sure if anyone answered this or not but most of the big time youtubers are actually partnered straight with you tube. That's why you see a lot of them with separate gaming channels since youtube it self doesn't allow let's plays.

Yeah. People forget old timers are still partnered with youtube. 100% compared to 70-80 and they get good partner support if their big so no reason to join a network really.

Weird seeing you here :D loved the all pokemon voice one, saw it before it went super viral :P Congrats on your fast success!
ROFLS, ur vids crack me up

In reference to the your question:
Most of the larger YouTube Celebrities are straight up YouTube.

Or they make their own "company" that they host all of their own channels on (still through YouTube though)