The Most Desired Partner Network?

Wow, your channel is actually pretty big. I didn't notice that. I always assume that when somebody comes on here, they're new to youtube and trying to establish some early viewers. That's what I tend to see, anyway.

I was quite blown away by the numbers too! Impressive!
Wow, your channel is actually pretty big. I didn't notice that. I always assume that when somebody comes on here, they're new to youtube and trying to establish some early viewers. That's what I tend to see, anyway.
Ahaha! Yes, well, that's what I meant by it recently went BOOM. heh. I am new to this whole monetization and partnership thing though, I only made this account this summer and I'd never monetized before this account. It's certainly been an adventure so far!
Wow you channel did go boom! :p I wish mine would do that.. :p :p ;) Im Partnered with Fullscreen who is also partnered with Alex goot and Luke Conard and i really enjoy it so far!
oh wow that's so weird! i actually saw your Pokemon voice impersonations video when you put it out and now your on yttalk.... lol that's awesome you got that kind of success!
What is the dream partner network for a YouTuber? As in, majorly selective and signed with the biggest YouTube celebrities?

Is there anywhere I can find out who the biggest YouTube stars are signed with?

I ask because my channel just went BOOM (in a good way) and (while I've been monetizing all along) I've already turned down a few partnership offers because I have commitment issues and don't want to get tied into anything if I can find something better. For example Fullscreen, which I understand is a fine company to partner with, is not very selective.

I'm currently considering Big Frame, who partners people like Mystery Guitar Man, Dave Days, and Destorm, but I was wondering if you lovely people know of anyone else I should look into before signing any contracts?

Go big or go home, right?

Thanks so much, this forum is amazing!
Your channel is awesome haha! Those South Park impersonations where dead on! You will have no problem getting into a great network!
I stumbled on the Pokemon voice impersonations video randomly too, on my Playstation 3 Browser, no less. Absolutely fantastic. If the whole Partnership-Success-And-Stuff doesn't work out, you should absolutely recreate the entire original series because I can't find any reliable links to it on the Internet. No matter how much I search. Or pray. Your salary will be in Skittlez, because who needs money or critical acclaim, eh? >.>

Seriously, awesome work. n.n
i know this is off topic, but OMG OMG OMG i luved your all 151 +ash ketchum impressions i remember finding that video when it had like 10 k views on it and now it has over 3 million, honesty you have a great voice and you are very talented at voice acting omg i was like nerding out when i saw that video, keep it up :)
What is the dream partner network for a YouTuber? As in, majorly selective and signed with the biggest YouTube celebrities?

Is there anywhere I can find out who the biggest YouTube stars are signed with?

I ask because my channel just went BOOM (in a good way) and (while I've been monetizing all along) I've already turned down a few partnership offers because I have commitment issues and don't want to get tied into anything if I can find something better. For example Fullscreen, which I understand is a fine company to partner with, is not very selective.

I'm currently considering Big Frame, who partners people like Mystery Guitar Man, Dave Days, and Destorm, but I was wondering if you lovely people know of anyone else I should look into before signing any contracts?

Go big or go home, right?

Thanks so much, this forum is amazing!

r u for real or bot?