Paul Logan loose monetization

Anyone who says that only thinks about making money. So he/she should "TRY" not to think about money. So obvious.
He is probably just saying what the PR person behind the scenes told him to say in an attempt to repair any reputation he has left. We all know he is talking utter b******t. Just sad that people may now paint youtube in a bad light because of what happened.
good. he don’t deserve it. he must earn more education rather than earning money. Everything he said was totally like a dropout 18yo.

I’ve watch his interview with ABC, what he said are totally different from what he said or he did on his daily videos. Crap.
He seems completely oblivious of his actions; with that said, I don't think this will last because at the end of the day, YT is a business, and unfortunately the Paul brothers are bringing in a ton of revenue for the site.

Then again, the saying goes, don't hate the player, hate the game. Lol can't be too mad at them for constantly creating controversy that racks in new subs and views everytime other channels mention their drama

yeah ‘bringing in a ton of revenue’... but not anymore. YT and advertisers would not endorse such actions, it will brings bad company image for both parties.

YT still have pewdiepie with 60M subs, stupid contents tho, and he make mistakes too, but still funny to watch, multibillion revenues..
everyone is happy :)

but as you’ve said, business is business. and there’s no way to filter contents in realtime except from the title and community reports
I think a few people gave him the benefit of the doubt about the suicide video scandal and accepted his apology. But WTF? Has he not learned anything from all that? He comes back to youTube and decides it'd be a good idea to make videos about hurting animals and eating laundry pods?!!! He is so dumb it's unreal. YouTube should just terminate his channel and be done with it. No more chances.
I guess all PR is not good PR after all.
Will he continue through demonetisation? I imagine he earned millions through adsense? I guess he can still pick up enough earning through merch sales/affiliates etc