Still curious what you mean by "more mature responsible demographic." I host an animation channel, yet the vast majority of my viewers in the past year (62%) were between 25-44.
Condolences accepted. Thanks you.
Listen. You and I are two completely different people. The way we see the world is very different. I do not expect you to be able to understand me completely. I was raised in the Amazon Jungle in a tribe of Amazonian (Indians). You probably thought I just made up the "Jungle Explorer" name. LOL! You have no possible way to even relate to me, or I to you. But I will do my best here to try to explain to you how I think.
I have no idea what you host on your channel, so no, my comments about teenagers and silly videos was not a dig at you. It was a statement about life in general, and not directed at you in the slightest. I am not against people making whatever type of videos they feel like to grow their channels, as long as they are respectful to other humans. I respect other people's right to make their own choices, even if I disagree with them. That does not mean that I will not stand up for what I believe and tell you so. It just means I won't try to force you to agree with me (I will debate you heartily though

As far as what things are "meaningful" to me and what I mean by a "more mature responsible demographic"; the best way I can help you understand is by quoting a F.E.M.A study about Americans.
My son is a paramedic and is a first responded disaster relief specialist. He is F.E.M.A, Red Cross and W.H.O certified. During his F.E.M.A training he had to learn an intense study F.E.M.A did on the American Society. This in depth study of the American Society concluded that in the event of a "Complete Grid Shutdown in the U.S." 90% of the American population would be dead with in one year, with 80% dying off in the first month. The study concluded the sole reason for this massive die off is that, 90% of Americans are so far removed from the reality of life, they lack even the rudimentary understanding or skill to provide for the basic needs of life.
Look at it this way, Youtube weeded out 90% of creators because they did not meet the standard and found them lacking the skill to make it on youtube as a professional. According to this FEMA study, Nature will weed out 90% of Americans because they do not meet the standard and lack the skill to live in the real world, outside of the artificially create American Industrial System. Don't get mad at me, I am not the one who produced the study.
You see, when I say "Meaningful" or "Useful", I am talking about real tangible tools and skills that can actually sustain life, "Independent" of the American Industrial Safe Net System.
When I say, "More Mature Responsible Demographic", I am talking about the 10% of the American population that FEMA says have the skill to survive a total gird shutdown. People who place value on knowledge and skills that can actually sustain life.
This mentality that I am talking about actually has a name. It is called, "Independent Rugged Individualism". It is the same mentality that the pilgrims had.
Think about the Pilgrims (keep politics out of it here please). They crossed the ocean in wooden ships to a land unknown and a future uncertain. And they brought their families! They did not ask anyone's for help, and did not have a Safety Guidelines book from OSHA to tell them how not hurt themselves. Once they reached the new land, they later traveled thousands of miles over land all the way to the west coast, in wooden wagons, across rivers and over mountains with no ROADS. They had no satellite phone to call emergency rescue services if things went wrong, and there was no McDonalds along the way to stop get a Big Mac at. They asked no one for help. And they took their families along!
Although this country came from those people that lived and embodied the mentality of Independent Rugged Individualism; we have somehow turned into a country of people that now need a warning label on a cup of coffee warning them that COFFEE IS HOT!
I am sorry if this offends you, but I can't help it if people are offended by the truth. The truth is, you can't eat, funny cat videos, or gaming videos, or silly mindless SpongeBob type videos. Are they funny? Yes. Are they entertaining? Yes. Do they teach any practical life skills that enable you to take care of yourself. No. I am not saying they are wrong or that people should not do them. I am not even implying that. Heck, I would create a different channel and make those kinds of videos myself if I thought I could compete in that market. I have to admit, it takes skill to act that silly (or even to think that stuff up). A skill I do not posses.
The truth is, people that make silly entertaining videos are way more in touch with the New American mentality then I am. I appeal to an ancient mentality that is almost extinct in this country. I understand that. But that is why I am worried about what youtube is doing. Why? Because, just because what I do or other people like me do, is not Popular, Up to date, or in line with Modern Thinking, does not mean it is not Valuable, Useful and Good. You see, you can actually learn useful skills on how to take care of yourself from watching most my videos (there are few that are for entertainment only), and since the modern American society desperately needs the skills that I teach or other people like me teach (according to the FEMA study), it is sad that this kind of useful content is getting caught up in youtube effort to stop a few immoral degenerates that don't even deserve to breath the same air as the rest of us (rape videos, beheading video, suicide videos, etc.).
Well got to go. I do want to thank you for providing me with a good hearty discussion. I always enjoy a good debate with someone who knows how to hold their own. I commend you. You have proven yourself an excellent debate partner. It has provided me with a good detraction for what is going on right now. Thanks again.
On a lighter note. This is one silly video I got a good laugh out of.