Maximize Your Income: Secondary Revenue Streams For YouTubers

This guide is so helpful!

I had to sit and learn half of this on my own over about the course of the year through running blogs and stuff but I've never had the confidence to start my own website because I never knew where I should buy my domain name from and stuff...

So thank you so much! :D
This guide is so helpful!

I had to sit and learn half of this on my own over about the course of the year through running blogs and stuff but I've never had the confidence to start my own website because I never knew where I should buy my domain name from and stuff...

So thank you so much! :D
Glad you found it useful! :D
You should also asked people to signup for email lists, facebook pages, or even your twitter account. Add those to your channel, etc. The more ways you can present your offer or communicate to your viewers the better.
You should also asked people to signup for email lists, facebook pages, or even your twitter account. Add those to your channel, etc. The more ways you can present your offer or communicate to your viewers the better.

All great points there :up:
Very useful information! I have a question about titles….are you familiar with CTFxC? They always have their titles in all caps, and they are usually about something funny that happened in the video. Is this a good way of titling for beginners??
Very useful information! I have a question about titles….are you familiar with CTFxC? They always have their titles in all caps, and they are usually about something funny that happened in the video. Is this a good way of titling for beginners??
Lots do it, the only reason I think of doing that for is to draw attention to the video if it's in a search result, or on the homepage.
I remember the old hackerz dayz when people would CaPiTaLiZe EvErY oThEr LeTtEr, after a while it gets really annoying, however eye catching! LOL