Massive drop in views on kid channels

Im making animations and I spend like an entire month trying to create a video that will be cool, fun, and entertain people of all ages. Since it's Minecraft's aesthetic, obviously it attracts tons of kids, so im worried they will cripple my channel. Im fact im really depressed. What motivation do I have to keep going when they will remove ALL comments and notifications? im not even talking about the money, but the thought of having a channel with 0 interaction with the people that watch what you do. It really warms my heart when I listen all those positive comments of people enjoying my creations. Without that, there's no point. Of course, getting peanuts for a month worth of work is also very disappointing. And since as an animator you don't have a cult following like famous let's players do, there's no hopes of making revenue outside of straight YT ads. This is going to kill so many talented people's channels.

And I wouldn't even be able to properly rate my stuff. If it's the Minecraft aesthetic, but there's firearms being shoot, fighting scenes, explosions, flashing lights, sword fights... does it really belong within the same category as nursery rhymmes and Cocomelon? They are asking us to become multimedia rating expert, and face the consequences of an FTC fine that will ruin your life. This is Insanity. And to top it off, big channels are already getting green lights. DanTDM was already told by YT on twitter that he will be alright, when he is clearly watched 99% by kids, meanwhile here I am busting my a** a month per video making animations, only to possible get my channel fatally crippled. I really hate how things are.
all the stress is getting to me too. last week was pretty rough. youtube's been destroying a lot of people's well being. hang in there man. you made videos because you were creative and resourceful. you'll figure something out. just need to adjust mentally to the new normal and find a way to be productive again.
My views have gone up about 50% since Sept 25th, but stabilized at that number, I want to see what this weekend and next week brings. Earnings up about 50% too, like from 5 dollars a day to 8 dollars a day. I am back to making daily videos.., but as of yet there are no videos from my channel in the kids app..weird..
october 7th is FTC hearing on maybe changing coppa and how kid content makers will make content with limited ads. If anyone hears anything let us know
I did, they say all is well, nothing to see here, the system is working, make better videos...then a link to creator
I do have over 100k subs and my views are dramatically very low. I did wrote a letter to YT support and asked them what is going on ? When you will fix you bloody new algorithm ? The reply was standard : Make sure you make interesting content and improve your click trough rate.
My reply back to them :
What ? Don't fool me ! My newer videos have a better click trough rate but they perform much worse than my older videos
If they do consider making some changes, I am ready to start making content again. I told my son I need to update my channel name and icon, and start back at it. I am really kind of lost lately, I have been doing this for over 10 years, and its been hard . But when yo udo your best and watch as your daily views plummet 99% and revenue drop almost to zero, it is hard. BUT , I will try and restart today.
I told to YT creators support if you will not fix your bloody algorithm I will stop uploading new content. Im very disappointed and about to stop uploading
"They said to me please don't stop , we are appreciate your hard work"
I think they reply with these kind of standard answers to everybody.

Last week I did a small test ! I did upload my own video to my friend YT channel ( we do film the same content ) His channel got 36K subs ( compare to my one 108K ) and his views are rocketing now. The result is : my video in 2 days got already over 65K views compare to my one 2,5 views. I did asked them what is that ? How could you explain it ? I did not received proper answer. They always keep telling the lies. Improve you content , make better thumbnails etc
I do have over 100k subs and my views are dramatically very low. I did wrote a letter to YT support and asked them what is going on ? When you will fix you bloody new algorithm ? The reply was standard : Make sure you make interesting content and improve your click trough rate.
My reply back to them :
What ? Don't fool me ! My newer videos have a better click trough rate but they perform much worse than my older videos
what are your videos about and what is your channel's click through rate per day? I think they want over 5%