I've mentioned that a youtuber has been harrassing me

Cristy Ella

Loving YTtalk
I was wondering what you guys would think of this. I am contemplating making a video to address the situation But I am also worried as well. The youtuber found my personal facebook, hunted through it and contacted my partner about me stalking her. It's just getting too far.

So I have;
Option a) put all my evidence into a video on youtube and hope she backs down
Option b) Ignore it and hope it goes away

What would you do? If it was you and you decided to do a video how would you go about it? It's just been scary.
OR...alert the authorities and then proceed to blocking said person on every platform available and never interact with them. They like attention, i give it to them to p**s them off but you may be in danger.
It depends how serious it is. If they are making contact/harrassing you in the real world, screencapture all the evidence, contact Yt and report them, block everything, then contact the local police station and file a report. There are boundaries between the online/real world that should not be crossed, if those boundaries are breached and you fear for your safety or are getting harassed, get authorities involved.
Hmm...if you feel unsafe, harassed, threatened, and/or blackmailed in any way, I'd first talk to your local police for some ideas and help on what to do, and then I'd consider contacting the police in the other person's country of residence. Even if the local police can only talk to the person or send them a note (I'm really not sure what they'd do...), I'd imagine it would shake them up enough to make them stop...

And then I'd block them as best as possible. Out of sight, out of mind. ^_^

If the person is stalking through your Facebook account and digging up personal information, I'd imagine there's a good chance they have done this before and probably have had complaints filed against them in the past.

I wouldn't make a video unless you are observing a backlash with massive amounts of people and hate on your channel. Making a video will draw attention to the problem, and I've noticed that people who enjoy attacking others online tend to love extra attention -- even if it's what the rest of us would perceive as negative attention...
I agree with Ellelle, don't encourage them.

However, I wouldn't immediately delete or block them either. Because the person is in another country, your local law enforcement really won't be of much help. As KiddieToy said, screen capture and copy everything... then contact YouTube and Facebook. If they respond in a helpful manner, ask them if you should block/delete the person. They may not immediately want you to (when you block/delete you stop the chain of evidence). If you do not receive a response from YouTube or Facebook, then you can block and delete them if you want.

Immature people do immature things, making a video about it will only provoke them... and if you block them on YT and FB and then make the video, they'll likely see it as a challenge and try to find you elsewhere, further exacerbating the situation.

Kill them with silence. Like a dog with a bone, they'll find someone else to harass and annoy soon enough.
Wow that sounds like a nightmare! I agree with what others have said. Don't make a video unless you can be sure it would have the effect you wanted it to, ie make them go away.