Should I accept this offer?

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  • No - tell why in the thread!

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From personal experience, I highly advise not to do this. This has happened to me and my music, though without my consent first, and it did not yield well. Here are my points

1) Regardless of what the state of their channel is now, it could become something big, especially given that they just started. A Culling dedicated channel could bode well for them, and viewers are highly likely not to click on links that direct back to you. Viewers just watched your montage on someone else's channel, a video which has been essentially ripped from you for almost no gain at all; viewers don't need to put time into your channel. You underestimate the significance of people who take other peoples work and post it on their own sites. There are people who make livings this way, however, they usually don't ask first. You've been lucky enough to be given a warning.

2) This is YOUR work. Your video. Unless this other channel is a partner with you or is sponsoring you, the best case scenario is that you get a few extra views while the new poster takes all the credit and TAKES VIEWS AWAY FROM YOU. You worked 50 hours on this you say? Get the most out of it by keeping ownership in your work. I used to make music; hip hop beats like the ones you would hear in Samurai Champloo. On soundcloud, everyone, aka a few dozen followers, loved my stuff! Recently, I discovered that a few years ago, several youtube channels took my music without my permission and posted it there. They credited me poorly. Everyone thought that the channel owner was the one who made the work. They got hundreds of more views than I would have ever had. NONE of those views were directed back to me on soundcloud.

It's tempting to give your video to this person, I know. It's cool to have your stuff featured. But this is not free press or an advertisement for you. This is someone taking advantage of you. If you were to talk to a lawyer or any business owner, they would tell you the same thing.

My advice, if you still want to move forward, is to make a deal to be a featured Let's Player on their channel. That way there is more of a human personality component to it. Then, people who watch, might want more of YOU, not the montage you just gave up for free.

Good advice! Thank you! :)

My idea now is to have them put my watermark over their video, mention me in the video, link to my channel in the video, put me in their featured channels, put a card to my channel, and feature me in their videos.

I'm still kind of hesitant.

My video only has about 25 views. I do not expect it to ever get much more than that. Over time it may get a lot, but that will take a while.
Never give your content to someone else, you should keep in touch with them, get to know them, if you trust them, then go ahead, otherwise its a NO. If somebody ask me to use my videos in their montage, I would just charge them straight away.
I was contacted with this message:

Hey! I'm starting up a community channel for The Culling and was wondering if I could use your zero kills win clip in a funny/lucky moments montage? You would be credited (of course) to your YouTube, Twitch or whatever you would like! Let me know if that's okay with you! Thanks

Should I accept this persons offer?

I think you should accept it, 'cause you can get more publicity and more viewers, subs etc. :)
I think you should accept it, 'cause you can get more publicity and more viewers, subs etc. :)
This is a really common misconception. Being credited doesn't necessarily, and most often does not, lead to more fans/viewers/etc. Look up the Kickstarter for Drinking Quest: Journey into Draught (2,376 backers ; $72,000 usd raised)

I was contracted (paid) to do the map for one of the stretch goals. Now look at how many people have backed the project, and how much money has been made. My name and twitter are credited on the page, but do I see any boost in followers? No.

Giving up your work without setting strict rules, in no way, benefits the original creator. (To be clear, I'm not complaining about my situation with the above Kickstarter. My experience was pretty great!)
This is a really common misconception. Being credited doesn't necessarily, and most often does not, lead to more fans/viewers/etc. Look up the Kickstarter for Drinking Quest: Journey into Draught (2,376 backers ; $72,000 usd raised)

I was contracted (paid) to do the map for one of the stretch goals. Now look at how many people have backed the project, and how much money has been made. My name and twitter are credited on the page, but do I see any boost in followers? No.

Giving up your work without setting strict rules, in no way, benefits the original creator. (To be clear, I'm not complaining about my situation with the above Kickstarter. My experience was pretty great!)
But this is kinda different, the guy said that his video will be used in a funny montage, so anyone that finds his clip funny probably will check his channel, at least that's what I'd do :)
But this is kinda different, the guy said that his video will be used in a funny montage, so anyone that finds his clip funny probably will check his channel, at least that's what I'd do :)
Not at all. You've already given up your "product" to someone else who, under no set bounds, has claimed your work and attributed it to their channel. No one needs to see more unless your part of the montage was really unique with a lot of charisma, not just a bunch of cool or funny clips that they can get anywhere. Otherwise, why do viewers need to see more of what they just watched if it's already on that channel they are currently on (not yours).
Not at all. You've already given up your "product" to someone else who, under no set bounds, has claimed your work and attributed it to their channel. No one needs to see more unless your part of the montage was really unique with a lot of charisma, not just a bunch of cool or funny clips that they can get anywhere. Otherwise, why do viewers need to see more of what they just watched if it's already on that channel they are currently on (not yours).

I like you man, you get it haha
Never give your content to someone else, you should keep in touch with them, get to know them, if you trust them, then go ahead, otherwise its a NO. If somebody ask me to use my videos in their montage, I would just charge them straight away.

But could it really hurt me? And they could do it without my permission anyway.[DOUBLEPOST=1458251060,1458251040][/DOUBLEPOST]
I think you should accept it, 'cause you can get more publicity and more viewers, subs etc. :)

That is what I keep thinking :p[DOUBLEPOST=1458251209][/DOUBLEPOST]
This is a really common misconception. Being credited doesn't necessarily, and most often does not, lead to more fans/viewers/etc. Look up the Kickstarter for Drinking Quest: Journey into Draught (2,376 backers ; $72,000 usd raised)

I was contracted (paid) to do the map for one of the stretch goals. Now look at how many people have backed the project, and how much money has been made. My name and twitter are credited on the page, but do I see any boost in followers? No.

Giving up your work without setting strict rules, in no way, benefits the original creator. (To be clear, I'm not complaining about my situation with the above Kickstarter. My experience was pretty great!)

Well I see what you are saying. But they already said that they would give me credit, and if I accept the offer, I will tell them all of the requirements they must follow.

Also, they could have done it without asking me.[DOUBLEPOST=1458251728][/DOUBLEPOST]
But this is kinda different, the guy said that his video will be used in a funny montage, so anyone that finds his clip funny probably will check his channel, at least that's what I'd do :)

Especially if they credit me :D[DOUBLEPOST=1458251761][/DOUBLEPOST]
in a montage of possibly 20+ people you will look at every single channel if they were all funny?

Sometimes I do :D[DOUBLEPOST=1458251842][/DOUBLEPOST]
Not at all. You've already given up your "product" to someone else who, under no set bounds, has claimed your work and attributed it to their channel. No one needs to see more unless your part of the montage was really unique with a lot of charisma, not just a bunch of cool or funny clips that they can get anywhere. Otherwise, why do viewers need to see more of what they just watched if it's already on that channel they are currently on (not yours).

There would be set bounds.

My ideas are: to have them put my watermark over their video, mention me in the video, link to my channel in the video, put me in their featured channels, put a card to my channel, and feature me in their videos.[DOUBLEPOST=1458251887][/DOUBLEPOST]
I like you man, you get it haha

But if I have them put my watermark over their video, mention me in the video, link to my channel in the video, put me in their featured channels, put a card to my channel, and feature me in their videos,

Wouldn't it be good?
As multiple people have said, you never know how other people will treat your content. In a perfect world, this would be a good idea, but you never know how they will try to utilize your video and if they will properly credit you. My Spidey sense is tingling.