Is reddit a good place to promote videos?

Funny videos, not game plays or vlogs, my signature is an example

Well that's a re-post of an old viral video, that's not going to really impress reddit. Anything new with this kind of viral potential could probably just be posted to /r/videos to try to make it to the front page.

Reddit success comes in three stages:

Stage 1. A new submission will only be seen on the new tab of the subreddit it was submitted to. There aren't that many folks who check the new sections, but if enough of those like and upvote your submission it get's bumped to

Stage 2. The "hot" tab of the subreddit. More people will see it, up and down votes will start to come in much faster. 2b. would be page 1 of the hot tab with another speed boost until you finally get to

Stage 3. The hot tab of front, which is the best of everything. Votes and views are going to come in really fast now and if you manage to make it to page one, you're literally on the front page of reddit and get views faster than a metaphor that's something really fast. And someone is probably going to post your video to 9gag, 4chan, cracked and whatnot...

Small subreddits are not going to get you to Stage 3 though, simply cause there aren't enough peeps to give you the amount of upvotes needed, but performing well on a decent subreddit will get you more views than being lost under the pile of submitions of a large subreddit.

But be aware:
Timing is also a very important factor. It's a good idea to watch some subreddits for a while and check at which times they are visited a lot.

You can always delete and resubmit. You may be able to submit to the same big subreddit a few times without them noticing and hating you, but of course this is not gonna work on a small subreddit with a tighter community. In general it's a better idea to try another subreddit though. If your video does get some positive attention in one subreddit you can also re-submit it to another, similar subreddit without deleting the first submission if you mark it as a x-post.

Finding the right subreddits, the right timing and (especially) the right title is key and may take a while to learn. It is advised to become an active part of the community to learn all this before pushing your own stuff. Shameless self ******* is bound to fail for two reasons: Redditors hate it, and are gonna look right through you, and, as a noob you're probably going to submit "wrong" anyway.

ZiggyDTV is doing quite well on Reddit, as far as I know and I think he's even a mod of a subreddit...
I've never had anything good come from Reddit.

Maybe you weren't doing it right then? Subreddits can be like forums with nice communities like this one here on YTtalk. Maybe a nice litte cooking subreddit?

It can be a harder place for women than for guys, but somewhere in between the hundreds of subreddits, there should be a place for anyone...
lol listen more mr! :p teehee pack of wild dogs its as simple as that :p
Pack of wild dogs? Or pack of wild hogs...
Funny videos, not game plays or vlogs, my signature is an example

You can try "Funny or die".
It's a good way to get indication if a mainstream audience likes your type of humor.

One note, though - They don't support links from YouTube, so you'll need to re-upload your video.
You can add links to your channel in the description if you like.
I haven't had much luck with it! its the type of place where they either love what you upload or destroy it lol. But I find it is a good place to get motivated, and there a lot of interesting stuff on there that being said I was getting like 10-15 views on the video's i did upload!