Is reddit a good place to promote videos?

If you can get your stuff up voted its basically the best place on the Internet.

Source: UGA Swim and Dive team got 37 million views on their Harlem shake video from reddit

Well, they got almost 37 mio in total. Now. Don't know their statistics but I'm pretty positive that there were like 1 or 2 views that didn't come from Reddit. Reddit gives you you a big boost for like 1-3 days and then dies off again.

Getting a video to the front page still doesn't get you millions. I pushed a video to the front page once, got up to the top 5, I think, and it got about 120-130,000 views from Reddit. Actually got more from 9gag, almost 440,000 but reading the numbers, I would assume that someone saw it on Reddit and then posted it to 9gag, since views from there started coming in while it was on Reddits frontpage. It also got more views from cracked, where it was embedded 2 months later. About 230,000. But it seems like Reddit gave the most referrals while the others all were embedded views. In total the video got just over a million views.

But yeah, Reddit is an awesome way to promote, even if no one really cares about it - it gets 2-3 downvotes and just vanishes into oblivion - it can still get low double digits. Which is next to nothing, but more than you get on most other promotional fails...
I share my videos on reddit but they're almost always downvoted immediately. It's more sad than anything.
I have heard of it before, but I have never used it. I think it is quite a risk to take when it comes to the audience, like (from what I have heard) if you reach the wrong niche, then it could backfire, giving you a lot of negative traffic (haters, trolls, flamers, and just bad people that will give bad ratings to troll, nasty comments, general mischief, etc.) So in short, it can be a good tool (assuming one knows how to use it and use it carefully.), but just be weary of the chance of backlash..