IMPROVE YOUR YouTube Channel NOW!!!

Ok, I have a slight issue; "URL must not contain a query"
I recieve this error when I copy and paste my channel url into the "website URL" bar...
Any tips? :)

EDIT: Solved the issue, I just pasted too much of the URL :)
This was a fantastic view into the stats side of being a serious YouTube channel, with lots of great insight as well. Thanks man.
Question when I try to sign up it ask for website name and website URL, I don't have either of those. Do I just use my YouTube channel account link?

The name is just how it will show up in analytics. Your channel name would probably make sense, but you can also name it George, or Screwdriver, or Chair. The URL is your channel URL, so YT/user/name, but you can also leave the "/user" part out.