If you want your channel critiqued, let me know.

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Okay let's go:

*Great thumbnails! Really draw you in.

*Consistent upload schedule. Nice and crisp avatar/banner art.

*On the Black Ops 3 vid I feel some light hearted goofy music may compliment your sarcastic humour. The game's mainly SFX so it should hopefully fit nicely.

*Your voice was picking up your analogues etc. You're also popping the mic a bit so it might be a bit too close to your voice or set too high on sensitivity. I'd also advise compressing the audio so it doesn't peak too high.

*With the Minecraft vids I'd cut 'em down a bit. A lot of people are put off from uploads higher than 20 mintues. Jump cuts would help make the commentary concise and focused.

*Be careful of audio volume. I check out your 'anal penetration' (=S) video and I couldn't hear your commentary at all at some points.

Mainly just make sure you're conscious of the mixing and cut down any filler =][DOUBLEPOST=1456959832,1456959218][/DOUBLEPOST]

Okay focusing on this vid in particular:

*Thumbnail text is a bit tame. The lack of a border makes it blend into the background image so some black lining would make it pop more.

*I'd suggest zooming onto the images you use a bit more. Character's faces, weapons, power stances etc to exemplify the overall theme of the video. If it's too far away and the viewer has to zoom in to see the details of a thumbnail you're in trouble.

*Great AV Quality.

*Very neat sub prompt!

*Commentary sometimes gets a bit blurred with the gameplay. Make sure your commentary is compressed and stays above the gameplay.

*Some of the game's more subtle music may benefit your video. Especially the bit when you're explaining the different battles going on between each character.

*Great use of the endslate.

*Also concerning the overall channel I'd suggest more consistent videos. Recently you've been mega active but there was a lull a few weeks ago. Make sure you pace the channel out so people can rely on knowing when you upload.

Good stuff dude! I see massive potential here =D[DOUBLEPOST=1456960679][/DOUBLEPOST]

I checkout out your Far Cry video first:

*First thing I noticed was the pause between you speaking and the opening title. First impressions made me feel like you weren't ready to deliver the line so make sure to cut that small bit of dead air (it makes a huge difference).

*Next the audio. The game audio was pretty quiet and the commentary more so. I assume it's the mic more than the placement of it but right now it sounds like you're talking from inside a cupboard.

*I like the avatar/banner. It's simple yet effective.

*The thumbnails however are pretty dull. The text on the Far Cry video is extremely thin/small. The image of the Sabretooth is a cool image but it's too zoomed out/muted. More contrast would make it stand out and if it's more on the sabre tooth's face it'll stand out.

Your channel's very new so there's a tonne of stuff still to learn. However with that said, don't settle for okay and keep learning. The faster you make mistakes the better you'll be at addressing them =D[DOUBLEPOST=1456961359][/DOUBLEPOST]

Before I go into your channel I need to let you know that your YouTube page in the address doesn't work (Typo maybe?):

*I checked out the Kuwait art. Massively impressive but no music. Viewers only have 2 sensed to experience YouTube: Sight and Hearing. If you leave one out it's a huge handicap to your work.

*At the end have you through of doing some fun panning or zoom shots of the final product? It'd make it seem more dramatic XD.

Not much more I can point out due to the length of the videos and the fact your channel's very new. More than anything just keep going and always look for ways to improve =][DOUBLEPOST=1456962506][/DOUBLEPOST]

*I like the artstyle of your channel a lot. It's very charming =]

*The audio/AV is also great as it's well balanced.

*Really well edited. Context given with each article, post, example etc. A lot of effort put into each video's continuity.

*Make sure to create/link a twitter and facebook page. YouTube may be your hub but social media is your outlet to expand and grow.

*Make sure you're consistent with uploads. If once a week is too much fair do's, but once every two should be a safe goal.

Not much more I can say. Keep up the good work =]

Pardon my QUITE late response, I have been so preoccupied with school lately I just haven't had time to go onto this site! I apologize.

Thank you so much for the review! With my current schedule of working, school, and all that stuff, weekly uploads is entirely unattainable unless I sacrifice the quality of my videos, or sacrifice my schoolwork, and I'd rather not do either of those things.

Once the summer comes, I will be able to increase my upload schedule a great amount! :D

But thank you once again for the review, it really means a lot! :D
Hey bro!

I would love to hear what you have to say about my latest vid which is a tutorial of a hairstyle for which I think is the best in 2016.

This is my 3rd "professional" (by that I mean properly edited and recorded with decent equipment) video, so I am still in a learning phase both in recording and editing in Sony Vegas so every feedback would be very useful in navigating further focus and development

Okay I'll keep in mind what you mentioned:

*I'm not too concerned on video length tbh. It's not over the top and it's an okay time for a reaction-based video.

*I'd only have the banner with everyone's name for their first appearance in the video. Otherwise people will glance over to see the same information.

*That said some of the exposition at the end seems to be unimportant. I'd suggest really skimming out on some of the more bland impressions and focus on the more interesting points.

*Really good AV quality and editing.

*The thumbnails need a bit of work IMO. The text is waaay too thin/small and clutters the image. (Also, stay away from the bottom right corner, the text'll get covered with the time-stamp.

*Okay thumbnails but I think a page from the fine bros' thumbnails could be in order (despite their shady recent actions XD). Bright background colour maybe with the video context overlayed and with a bit of contrast to make it stand out.

*The channel logo is a bit misleading to me. It reminds me a lot of markiplier and doesn't really gel with the video content. I think a Union Jack somewhere would help due to the nature of the channel. (Same goes for the banner).

*The new poll option in the cards may benefit your video concerning engagement. You could ask l=something like: 'Are you looking forward to Fantastic Beats?' etc.

That's all I got. Hope it helps =]

So.... I've made some alterations, what do you think :)

I've got a back log of another 5 videos before your feedback kicks in but do you think the look/ feel of the channel is better?

I feel it is, although think the thumbnails look a bit slap dash still but not sure how to improve.

Growing to 1,000 Subscribers is TOUGH. You know much about Reddit? Is that a good tool to find an audience?

Really appreciate your help Grizzly :)
Hey man. I hope you can give some advice for me and constructive criticism. I also opened a thread about it but didnt got anything back.

My main problem is my content i m not sure if i m genuine enough. I m an energetic and fun person so i want to show my personality to the screen. +

My second deal is the branding i want to have orange colors and funny pictures but at the same time a bit dark. I think i achived it but i want some other opinions too. My main deal is my attitude, content and am i being real.

Thanks for the good thread of helping people. I appreciate it even though you have 2k subs you are still giving back to people :D

link to thread; http://yttalk.com/threads/am-i-good-teambrutalhonesty.208288/
Channel; https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzy1A4O8dHbfW2IwVjmLMsQ/videos
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