How to get not just subs, BUT FANS

There is some good advice here, but in my experience my friends SAY they'll watch, but they never do. Jackasses.

I subbed your channel, man. That "meet my girlfriend" video is what won me over. Good job. I'll be keeping an eye on you.

I love your channel. I'm also doing a channel with my "YouTube Partner."
I think that if you wanna be famous and everyone enjoys your videos, first you have to enjoy playing your games, recording your vlogs or whatever you do. You must love what you do, and that feeling will be passed to your subs and they will become fans and they will promote your videos.
Good points made. I would add that for your initial video you need to create a buzz and a good way to do this is to create an event on Facebook and invite all your friends. On the event page have your video trailer and then promote it like a TV show. In fact as a serious Youtuber you need to plan ahead. Create a series of videos and build up to them. The event of course will be the show and you can have it for the duration of the show. This can also then be expanded to include other Facebook marketing activities and then broader internet marketing and offline marketing. Promoting a Youtube show is no different to a TV show and you need to create trailers, promos and the like in order to build interest. Then watch as people either stick or twist.
Friends are the best fans. I just recently started my channel, and I've mainly shared my videos on Facebook, and a small forum I'm a part of, and the support I've gotten from them is amazing.
I have shared it on facebook a couple of times, but its so "emberrasing" (im not sure what word to use, but i think thats the closest i can get) so share the videos on FB as i am Norwegian and i hardly talk to most of the people i have on facebook. I usually try to avoid talking english infront of my friends or the people i know (not good friends tho, then i dont care) because it sounds so corny. But if i did videos in norwegian it would be even worse, less people would understand and me personaly hate listening to norwegian videos because it sounds so cheesy.
Anybody got some tips on what to do? Should i be laughed at and just take it like a man? or should i just keep on posting and keep it to 1 sub every other month ? :)