How long did it take your channel to really kick off

Ah some nice words there guys. I've heard the first 1k subs are the hardest to achieve, but once you're there then its a bit easier.[DOUBLEPOST=1489879684,1489879661][/DOUBLEPOST]
I just started my channel a month ago and I am blessed to say I have 6 subs. I am having sooo much fun with my 6 subs tho.
Thats awesome !
I just started my channel a month ago and I am blessed to say I have 6 subs. I am having sooo much fun with my 6 subs tho.
For sure dude! You have to start somewhere :)
I NEVER thought I would ever get to the point where I am today. The best part is that there's always room to get bigger... I'm at 3.4 million views and I still feel like a smalltime YouTuber lmao. I remember when I hit 100k views, and I felt pretty good. 1 Million felt amazing (more so than 2 or 3 million) because I was really trying to hit that milestone. For 2 and 3 million, I wasn't even actively uploading so I didn't really even notice that I reached the milestones immediately... My point is not to brag, but to show you that everyone starts somewhere and no matter what, you'll always want more! :)

I spoke to a YT brand manager in November last year and he told me it's the first 24 hours only actually. And you're right, you can get a good indication already on day 1 if the video is going to do well.
Yes, that matches up with a lot of what I have heard and experienced.
Luckily my newest video hit 1,000 views in under 24 hours, so I'm hoping for the best :)
Good luck with your channel!
I've been seeing pretty decent growth (mostly from friends I believe!) but once I crossed the 100 threshold I've noticed a lot of new traffic coming to my videos!
Definitely! Even with all my views, I can honestly say you're doing much better than I did in my first week. Keep it up and you'll reach your goals man!
Wow, thanks for the confidence boost man haha !

Hopefully you can see my channel grow ! and I can see yours continue to succeed. Thank you Sir !
We started our channel in January and I honestly didn't expect much from it. But my kids asking daily how many subscribers and views we had got me a bit more motivated so now I'm here trying to learn some more. We're hoping to reach 100 thousand views within the next few days and we get around 5 subs each day.
unfortunately i was starting to do pretty well when i first started my channel. got up to 380 subs in a few months, but i had my front teeth knocked out in a crash and lost all confidence to do a video until i had them fixed. now my channel doesn't even get noticed! but i plan on a comeback soon :)
It took me about a month to get to 1 thousand subscribers, kind of helped that I got shoutouts from people in FaZe clan lol