How do you come up with your video ideas?

I usually draw inspiration from popular trends, videos, and mix them with my ideas and such! :D Sometimes they hit me like a speeding train and sometimes they gradually come! :D Either way, coming up with ideas I think is the best part of the creative process! :D
I too keep a notepad, it's always with me and it's just for YouTube. I have a couple of lists from just talk videos to more involved videos. It helps me to have a visual on paper.
I come up with ideas randomly. I usually try to think of ideas that others are using but do my own twist! I try to turn everything I can into a video opportunity!
In the shower lol on the toilet and at work. Do something that keeps you busy and the ideas will start rolling out your head. Just make sure to have a pen and paper to write it down
I come up with ideas in a few ways, sometimes I see the trends and I feel I have something to share as well, other times topics that are important to me, or funny things that I experience. I also watch various social media sites and other news like sites to draw inspiration. I make lists, and try to have a month of videos planned. When so have time I shoot a few videos and then gradually edit them. I hope this helps. :)
A lot of times I am inspired by what goes on in life and use that to make a video, for example I had a friend who bragged a ton so I made a video on how to fight off braggers. Also, ideas come to me a lot while I'm just doing normal things like showering or shooting hoops, and especially when I'm falling asleep. In addition to that, pretty frequently I'll have sessions where I write down whatever comes into my head (like mind maps or lists) and later come back and see if I like any of those ideas or want to make a video on it. Sometimes ideas even come to me for another video while I'm making a video, too. It seems like the harder you try to get an idea for a video, the less you get, so I would suggest exercising or doing something to take your mind off of only thinking of an idea, and something will probably come to you.[DOUBLEPOST=1469987184,1469987101][/DOUBLEPOST]
I come up with ideas in a few ways, sometimes I see the trends and I feel I have something to share as well, other times topics that are important to me, or funny things that I experience. I also watch various social media sites and other news like sites to draw inspiration. I make lists, and try to have a month of videos planned. When so have time I shoot a few videos and then gradually edit them. I hope this helps. :)

Yeah, trending tpics are great ways to make a video, like how the Ice Bucket Challenge and Harlem Shake blew up, and everyone had fun making videos for those.
We personally dedicate a certain amount of time where all members in the channel sit down and discuss the idea. We don't do anything else until we have a basic idea of the video plot. We have a belief that no idea is a dumb one. So we establish that everyone should just spit out any idea that they have, no matter how dumb it seems, and build off of that. It also sometimes helps to decide the setting of the beginning scene or entire video. This can help form some ideas. The brainstorming process takes anywhere from 10 minutes to 2 hours for us. Some ideas come right to us and others come after a very long time thinking. Hopefully this helps you out!
Most of my ideas come just on the fly and talking to friends and fellow Youtubers but some have come after listening to music.
What do u guys do to come up with ideas? what stages do you pass through? how long? E.T.C...

For me Most of my ideas come from when i am sleeping and when im watching other vids. I Write them up in a word document and when i need ideas i just look through it and pick out the ones i need/want.
Me and the other writer in our group just sit down and talk about ideas until one snowballs out of control or until one catches our idea. It really does help with working in a small group so you can get feedback on your own ideas and really move about your writing.