Gaining viewers from Twitter

A tip I can give you is unfollow yesterdays 50 who did not follow back before adding another 50. This is a mistake I did make and now follow 1,800 :P
Following the fans of the people I'm following is genius and I'd never even considered it. I think the hardest part about Twitter is only wanting to post interesting stuff, which can be quite hard to do when you are a young channel that doesn't have scores of content coming out all the time. Personally if I'm following a channel for a particular reason (eg. Gaming) then it can get on my nerves when they start giving me their views on politics and current affairs (in comparison to say I was following a person because of the person and not just because I like the genre they fit into).
Hm this seems like a good strategy! I've been contemplating going on twitter but hadn't done any planning so having this as a structure will definitely come in handy. Looks like now I don't need to wait to grow a bigger base to join twitter but instead build a base through using twitter, I'll give this a whirl.
Nice way of free marketing. Even though its time consuming, you don't have to strictly do this everyday. But at least now you know, where you can join the discussion, and where is your target market.

Thumbs up!
I only followed about 15 people, just to test this out, and after about 6 hours I got a new subscriber :D


Great guide, especially the part about finding those who follow popular video makers. I can't wait to try this out on a bigger scale and more often!