Gaining viewers from Twitter

This is indeed long and hard. Another quick tip: Make lists if you still want to read your Twitter feed but don't want to be spammed with all the random people you followed
Lists are like mini feeds you can create. You can add whoever you want and only read their tweets from that list :D
(Google "how to create lists on twitter")

I use TweetBot and HootSuite to accompany this. You can load lists as "views" in the app and it's miles easier to manage.
We've been at it for a little bit now. Gained about 70 followers and one solid sub so far hahaha. But can't really argue with it yet. We've been using it at a slower clip than suggested here, we know it will take longer but it will be less spammy. No point in empty numbers.
Awesome advice I use this same method I actually downloaded an application that helps me pin point and follow users called tweetadder it's paid but well with it honestly
This drives me totally crazy and looks desperate.

Im sorry but if you follow someone on twitter, it should be because you're interested in what they have to say, not because you want them to listen to you.

For example, I made my twitter account 2 weeks ago but only posted my first videos today. In that time ive had about 100 people add me then remove me a day or two later. No intereaction. No interest in my content or myself (cause I had no content and few tweets). Ive even had a few guys add me, remove me then days later add me again, with their self-description being "follow back".

If you want to gain subs/followers ask yourself, would someone who is popular do this? Or would someone who is clambering for followers do this?
This drives me totally crazy and looks desperate.

Im sorry but if you follow someone on twitter, it should be because you're interested in what they have to say, not because you want them to listen to you.

For example, I made my twitter account 2 weeks ago but only posted my first videos today. In that time ive had about 100 people add me then remove me a day or two later. No interaction. No interest in my content or myself (cause I had no content and few tweets). Ive even had a few guys add me, remove me then days later add me again, with their self-description being "follow back".

If you want to gain subs/followers ask yourself, would someone who is popular do this? Or would someone who is clambering for followers do this?

I think it's a good strategy with its ups and downs. It kind of reminds me of those Facebook pages that aim to promote you content. Everyone dumps their links and couldn't care less about yours. What used to irk me with Twitter (in my early days, now I don't care) was that a person would follow me, I would get excited and follow them back to say thank you and they would immediately DM me to tell me to subscribe to them (and then unfollow me.)

Anyway. I still do find that Twitter can be immensely helpful, but you can't just mass follow. You have to interact with people, chat with them, favorite, retweet, show that you're more than someone who randomly clicks the follow button. When they get interested in you as a person that's when the magic happens. I've gained a few, not a lot, very loyal viewers/subscribers like that. And it feels awesome. Still, a lot of work. It's very hard.