Gaining viewers from Twitter

Hrm... seems like a good advice, and I agree... it's a lot of work but really, if you're serious about your channel and getting the word out there then the work is necessary :)
I feel like I should add this here as it literally JUST happened to me. But something I just did was tweet and be active. I happened to do this today on a larger channel. I will say I had the luck of commenting on something they did within minutes. It was something completely small but within a matter of minutes I had tons of favorites and people starting to follow me.

Following this advice (Instead of seeking though...) I followed the people who followed me back. I also actively checked out their channels and sent them meaningful messages in return. Either commenting on their website, their descriptions on how they viewed themselves and anything that really stood out to me.

For me, YouTube is about community and connections you make with all viewers/subscribers. Potential or real. So for me, I make sure I do whatever I can to make someone who, even if they did it off a whim, invests their time in me feel like they mean something. Because they do! Make sure to do this for any follower you get :p

Now social media takes a lot of work to develop if not more work than YouTube itself sometimes but it really is something to do because the connections you will make will help you in some way or form so long as they're genuine. Either they share your content, subscribe or heck, when new people take a look at you, they see you're someone who is amazing and subscribe that way :P
Good, and simple guide. Thanks! Definitely going to have to try the favoriting method sometime...maybe even find a way to automate it? ;)
It is a good way to get followers, but nearly everyone I follow has a youtube channel of their own, and they just message me to go check out their channel. Maybe I should message back saying to check my channel first.