Gahah, Well yes. Most forums are made in PHP, a web scripting language, but most webmaster's don't have the skill to edit an entire forum to do what they need.
So, you get stuck with what the creators of the PHP forum software has given you.
oh weird. wonderful explanation though.
I'm guessing it's not something you can google/youtube then copy and paste? haha.
I defs do that with html/css.
Exactly, sorry, I meant to say that if they plan on changing features that the forum does not have.They dont necessarily need to have the skills, I know a forum owner who doesnt know any CSS and only a little HTML and his board is very successful, he doesnt even outsource a developer too. It is handy to have them skills though.
I agree with Bryant.I'm probably in the minority on this, but 60 characters might be a lot to get cash. Would it be possible to make it 30 characters? Just a suggestion :]
I can sense the hate coming now haha
hello I'm new to YTtalk and I would like to say hello how is everyone!
A lot of threads seem to be "intro" threads.This is 70 characters, ten more than required:
That is 39 characters.Welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay!
That is 27 characters.I loved watching your video!
I am interested in participating!
A lot of threads seem to be "intro" threads.
That is 39 characters. What else could you say beyond that? :x
Hey welcome to the forums, have a great stay here with us
It was just a suggestion.One of mine:
That is 60 characters. It is pointless going back and forth over this, it is remaining at 60 for the foreseeable future as it isnt exactly way too many. If you really want 1 forum cash for introducing someone then you will have to adjust whatever you say when welcoming others.