Fullscreen Partnership and Small Site Updates

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Hey everyone!

As of today YTtalk is now partnered with Fullscreen! As part of this you will notice that we now have a Fullscreen banner at the top of the site as well as some new features.

We now have our very own dedicated Fullscreen forum for all members to participate in, this is open to everyone and will allow you to discuss everything Fullscreen from how to become partnered with them to any kind of Fullscreen related advice, perhaps you want to meet other Fullscreeners, you can now do so in there. Want to talk about Fullscreen? Make sure to post it there :)

Here is a link to the new forum: http://yttalk.com/forums/fullscreen.67/

It will appear below our Monetization and Partnerships forum on the homepage and will be highlighted by - New

We will also be having Fullscreen staff popping in to help with your queries within the Fullscreen forum too :D

In addition to this you may have noticed your navigation is now right at the top of the forums where you can now find all of your alerts, settings and message notifications and our search bar has been moved up into the header to make it stand out a little more, we have also added some extra advertisements around the site but there are less of them showing for logged in members.

You will also notice we have updated the sidebar so on the homepage so we now have Latest/Popular/Videos in tabs showing 10 threads for each, this is so we dont end up with three separate blocks and we can show more this way without taking up too much space.

Thank you for reading everyone :)

New addition:

Your cash is now displayed at the top of the site beside your alerts and you now receive notification when another member sends you cash. Forum posts that are under 60 characters will now not gain any cash to help deter any pointless posts being made for the purpose of increasing cash count.
I hope this is FullScreen's move away from their own forums! haha. Their forums are really lacking and a while ago, I actually suggested to make a forum like this one. I hope they migrate us to here :p
I hope this is FullScreen's move away from their own forums! haha. Their forums are really lacking and a while ago, I actually suggested to make a forum like this one. I hope they migrate us to here :p
Agreed, The forums on Fullscreen are bleh. They should have invested the 160$ on this forum software.
It's weird to me that forums come from software o_o can't you just edit some kinda code or something? XD
Gahah, Well yes. Most forums are made in PHP, a web scripting language, but most webmaster's don't have the skill to edit an entire forum to do what they need.

So, you get stuck with what the creators of the PHP forum software has given you.
Gahah, Well yes. Most forums are made in PHP, a web scripting language, but most webmaster's don't have the skill to edit an entire forum to do what they need.

So, you get stuck with what the creators of the PHP forum software has given you.
oh weird. wonderful explanation though.
I'm guessing it's not something you can google/youtube then copy and paste? haha.
I defs do that with html/css.
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