Does appearance matter?

I'll put it this way...

It doesn't hurt to be attractive. now how much that helps in all facets of life is dependent on the person.
Always remember beauty is in the eye of the beholder, there is a lover for everybody and body type. Look at the Instagram girls with big fat butts and thousands of followers. Personally I find it gross but they have a fan base and I think confidence, topic and presentation are as important as looks. At least I hope so or else Im screwed.
So I know that appearance doesn't really matter all the time, we have a bounce of gifted youtubers to prove that. It's just a topic I'm curious about what others think. In my opinion, for example in the beauty field which requires to show your face a lot, I think people actually care a little bit if you look "pretty" or not. I might be thinking wrong. What do you guys think:does appearance affect your views/subscribers in any way?

Oh no... Appearance means everything. It comes in beauty, but also in Youth. And Youth is the primary key success to YouTube that usually goes hand in hand with the second key to success, Time. Because young folk still live at their parents most of the time they have ample time to work on their channel. And if they possess the third key they are set (and honestly, everyone would be set if they possess it). The third key being money. Everyone wants to associate with a rich person.
If you're showing your face, then obviously it's going to affect your results somewhat - however the majority of those extra clicks/subs will be the kind of people who click through to a video because they see someone they find attractive, not because of the video content - who likely aren't your target audience anyway to begin with (unless that is something you want to capitalise on) so I don't think the actual difference it makes is all that dramatic.

That said, I think presentation is important. You might not be able to do much about the looks you were born with - but you should make an effort to at least look presentable. It does make a huge difference. I cringe watching my old videos now because I didn't care about presentation what so ever and I looked like a complete mess. There's been a definite difference in how well received my videos are since getting my hair cut etc. (finally, it took a lot of convincing since I was so used to my long hair, and even though it didn't particularly suit me it was hard to get rid of)

So, my suggestion: Don't worry about whether you're a model or average or a bit rough around the edges - but do take care of your clothes, hair, face, etc for best results.
At first sadly yes appearance does affect views and subs, but later on people with sub or stay subbed for your personality and how entertaining you are. I don't think appearance is the most important on YouTube. For me its more on you attitude and actions.
When I started my youtube channel I was inspired by the fact that some of the most successful television presenters on British television are far from good looking. Jeremy Clarkson, Gordon Ramsey...they are watched by millions because they are knowledgable and passionate about their subjects, and have a great way with words.

YouTube is also full of examples that show that you do not need to be good looking to be watched by millions. Casey Neistat jumps out to me as an example... he is a marketing genius, incredibly funny, highly likeable....but he's no Brad Pitt.

I have no doubt at all that a talentless attractive youtuber will always get more views than a talentless unattractive youtuber. If both youtubers are talented though I suspect they will be equally successful.
For beauty and other channels, I do have to say that you have to be somewhat good looking. Not always though, you can be entertaining and get to the topic.. just my opinion!
People have been talking about beauty.. it sounds to me like there's an opening to push the other direction a bit with the beauty channels. Imagine an open and honest make-up channel with a less attractive host focusing on the fact that everyone can be beautiful. I know people watch the better looking channels because that's how they want to feel they look, but I've seen the "it's ok to be who you are" approach more lately and I think that's great (Dove is a good example).

I say all this because no, I don't believe that looks have anything to do with whether or not you can be successful. If someone out there that looks like you has done it, then you can too.