Do you like you top video?

It's ironic how my most viewed video is the one I almost can't watch. When I see it , the only thing I see is the mistakes I made. Then, when I make a video that I'm proud of, it gets no attention (wich is ok IMHO, had not the other one gotten 10 times the views). I know my channel doesn't have many vids, so it's too soon to say, but I've noticed that many people end up not liking their top video. What's your take on that? Have you been embarrassed after you posted something? If it were the case, would you take it down or leave it?

Let's share opinions :)
I plan on coming back soon and I’ve been trying to look back at my videos to see if I should change the title, if I should try and promote some some more and now that I watch them, most of them, I can’t stand. :( I know that I’m talented and can do more than I’m showing and I’m afraid that I’m embarrassing myself or that someone somewhere is looking down on me like I’m less-than. But I also have bad self-esteem issues so that could be it too. I think I’ll just leave them there for now, though. Idk.
I love/hate it. I love it because it kicked my channel's popularity off and it keeps consistent views coming. I wish it would stop being my most-viewed one, though. It was one of my first ones and I've changed my methods since then. I have 2 newer, better versions of it, and every time someone comments on it, I wish they would be watching my newest version of it.
Definitely not! I think it's one of my worst videos lol! :eek: I made it when I was extremely tired and half asleep... :S Oh well...Other people like it, so at least something positive came out of the time spent making it. ^_^
my very half a dozen videos make me cringe lol. but i mostly do recipe videos. i do love what i make on my most viewed video but if only everyone could taste what i'm making or eating on my other videos they might watch them more too haha. once my video is uploaded and i've watched it to see how it looks on youtube, i actually hate watching myself again after that!
My top viewed video has 14k views right now, it was posted like.. 4 years ago ish and ... While I do like it, I also really don't, I think the topic is 'interesting' but the quality, layout, style, the LOOK of the video is just trash... LOL
The worst part of making something is that you know every second of it, so every little mistake makes you cringe very hard. In the end, probably no one notices that weird expression or sound that makes you go crazy
I'm in a kind of similar boat. I actually kinda like my top few videos but some videos that I'm really happy with and spent like 5 times as long on do absolutely horribly. Take my last 2 videos for example. 1 was a bit of a fluff piece about saving money on amazon. The other a review of my laptop that has honestly had the most work put into it over every other vid on my channel. Neither has done particularly well but the Amazon vid has more views when I spent maybe 2-3 hours on it in total and I spent more than that in preparing my laptop review and the same again in editing. I hate how videos that I'm less happy with do better than the videos I'm most proud of.