Do you get Envious when seeing other YouTubers Succeed?

Honestly I do feel jealous sometimes, I am Human and I can't help getting this feeling lol. But I feel happy that they achieved this success through hard work and not by advertising :)
All the time man, I get jealous and I give them props for growing as well and then try to make myself better and better!
I've experienced that in very small amounts. I think it's natural to feel that way especially when you feel like you are doing just as well, if not better, than them content wise. The wisest thing you can do in my opinion is learn from it. What are they doing that maybe you aren't? Let that motivate you to do better.
I hate it when i get an idea and someone else gets there before me and gets a shed load of views yes it annoys me
Yes, a little. And then I remind myself that their journey is not mine and comparison is the thief of joy, and it stops.