Daily uploading isn't always the answer: a case study

Interesting what is mentioned - not to mix so many different types and stick to one or two. The algo preferred our Chuck E Cheese video over any other video and I've been wondering how to get that traffic again. Trying new things and being creative might be backfiring for a small channel lol Oh algo!
Heres an update to my uploadig mutiple times a day. Its a fail! Haha. Actually that first week i was able to revive my channel and we shot up to a high peak and i thought it worked. But since then my channel's been dropping to half its views. Im at my lows right now. So sad. I dont understand because ive been making more videos that have given me more traffic before.

Ill still be pumping out videos almost everyday. Maybe not so many per day since it doesnt seem to help as much. Im guessing it has to do with kids going to school. And with the 3 time zones in the US im not gettig the full "view velocity" boost in the first hour of upload that i was getting in the summer. And maybe algorithm is really sensitive to that. Or maybe its just my channel performing low.
Yeah, I'm beginning to get a little unsure of doing daily stuff. Honestly, I'm not sure how to really get out there at all. I've tried everything I can think of really. I'd like to think I've improved things, but I think there's just a lot of us, so maybe it's becoming more about luck. It wouldn't hurt to play games people cared about too lol.

WEATHER UPDATE: it's raining. Also daily uploads might be killing my channel. I've actually lost a couple subs and the videos get fewer views. HOWEVER, proof is inconclusive as I have many dead subs and I'm uploading gameplay no on really cares about anymore
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