4 years with 200 videos on YouTube: only 68 subscribers and 2000 views?

I must be following in this guys footsteps... 30 videos in 6 months with a mere 10 subscribers. And it's not like I'm in some tiny niche, I do comedy videos... and post them across half a dozen social media sites... yet my last video got one... ONE... view. Meanwhile, as @odabaco mentioned, people can eat food loudly and get millions of views.

...seriously thinking about grabbing a cheeseburger and my camera...

Everyone wants to 'GO BIG' on Youtube so they start a channel because they think they will be the next Big Youtuber
This shouldn't be Your core reason for starting a Youtube channel,instead it should be that you enjoy making content for youtube
and you Love to help people by watching your channel
There is nothing you can do. You either got it or you don't. You can almost record on a potato and create a A+ 100K subscriber 10 million views channel within the year if you have that personality that draws people in. If not, you aren't going anywhere. I have been in the game for a while and do have more views and subscribers. But still by no means close to that 100K subscriber mark.
Without checking the channel itself, it's impossible to tell why someone would have success or failure. There are tons of channels with videos that don't have many views or subscribers, and it can be for many reasons. Low quality videos, a totally niche market, bad titling, tagging or thumbnails, no promotion, etc.,etc., etc.
hi guys, i recently read somewhere about this YouTuber saying that he has been on YouTube for about 4 years with 200 videos uploaded, but has 68 subscribers and only 2000 views so far. I was honestly shocked, because i am thinking to myself can someone's niche be that small for that kind of slow growth or He is just doing something absolutely wrong which is affecting his growth on YouTube, what do you guys think?
What kind of channel did this guy run????
that's insane. did this guy do like absolutely zero promo, have not a single friend or family member take a look at his channel?
i have a niche focus for my channel, and I've already picked up around 180 subs in 3 months without having to spam my social media
i would be curious to see what kind of content he is actually posting up
I put out at least 200 videos a year, give or take. Maybe he also took real long breaks at certain points of his career? Or he just randomly made videos once in who knows when and they just happened to add up to 200 in 4 years?
There´s a lot of factors that could play in this, so it´s very hard to tell what is what.
Without knowing what kind of content the creator does, it makes it even harder to tell why it is like that.
I have made over 400 videos in less time, and have made over 34k views!
Sometimes you can do everything right and still not get noticed on YouTube, it's sad but unfortunately that's how it is there's some really talented people out there who never got noticed and I really don't understand why nobody discovered them!
there's some really talented people out there who never got noticed and I really don't understand why nobody discovered them!

Could be because other creators don't spread the word. If there's a YouTuber with what I think is a cool channel I'll retweet their videos, mention them in comments, etc... kinda like YouTube version of introducing someone cool to all your friends. Ironically that's forebode here but, have you ever met anyone who'd say, "please stop telling people about my channel"...?!

Or could be because getting noticed on YouTube is like getting noticed in any other industry... impossible if you don't market yourself adequately enough.

I've been actively producing content for under 3 years, though I've had the channel for 6. Currently, I have 137 videos, 16,805 views and 39 subscribers (I gained two very recently, which pleases me ^_^). In my case, it was taking long breaks. Unless you provide more information, it can be pretty hard to tell just based off of that.

What kind of videos is he uploading? Is he using good tags and titles? What about the description box?

What's his schedule?

Have there been any dramatic life changes or personal obstacles that kept him from uploading for long stints?

Did they engage in sub4sub and thus have dead subs who don't care to watch and share their videos?

These are things that I know have hindered my growth. I've taken two pretty long hiatuses from youtube (3 and 7 months) , which absolutely murdered my channel's capability to grow when I did return the first time (that was the longest break, I know my subs had forgotten all about me and I lost some subscribers during that break). One thing I've learned is that consistency is key, but I don't know anything about this guy's channel or content, so I can't verify that he's inconsistent, all I can say is that's what killed my growth, since I'm (numbers-wise) in a similar position as he is, not that it's a competition, just trying to help paint why his channel might not be experiencing the growth people come to expect after years (or sometimes even just months) on youtube.

One other thing that hindered my growth until recently - I wasn't utilizing social media to share my videos until perhaps a month or so after I got back from my last hiatus. Now, I'm in groups on facebook, sharing to twitter, tumblr and instagram and reddit. This person could also not be sharing their videos? Maybe they could try a channel revamp, if they haven't already. I'm always doing stuff to make my channel and videos look better, which I believe has helped - I did get good feedback once, so that was nice. I've also been treating my description box differently, after binge watching some Roberto Blake and Derral Eves videos.

Just with what we're given about the channel, all we can do is speculate as to why they aren't experiencing tremendous growth. I only posted this because since our numbers are similar, and I can speak from experience about where I've gone wrong and killed my channel. Idk if this'll help anyone, but doing a total revamp on my channel has been helping me so far - and the mindset that there's always room for improvement.