2013 LAYOUT THREAD (all posts about the new layout go here)

Ever since opting in to the new layout I've been losing subscribers like crazy and not gaining any new ones really. I was gaining between 5-10 subscribers a day on average, and now it's more like 1-2. This literally happened the day I switched. I lost 4 in one go, and now nobody seems to be subscribing. My views have also been very low the last couple of days. Sunday I could understand, but on days where I have a new video I normally get quite a few, but it feels very slow going.
Ever since opting in to the new layout I've been losing subscribers like crazy and not gaining any new ones really. I was gaining between 5-10 subscribers a day on average, and now it's more like 1-2. This literally happened the day I switched. I lost 4 in one go, and now nobody seems to be subscribing. My views have also been very low the last couple of days. Sunday I could understand, but on days where I have a new video I normally get quite a few, but it feels very slow going.
Strange, my subscribers jumped down when I uploaded too but then went back up monday morning (I guess from Sunday?)
I must make a new banner and look jazzy! :p
Ever since opting in to the new layout I've been losing subscribers like crazy and not gaining any new ones really. I was gaining between 5-10 subscribers a day on average, and now it's more like 1-2. This literally happened the day I switched. I lost 4 in one go, and now nobody seems to be subscribing. My views have also been very low the last couple of days. Sunday I could understand, but on days where I have a new video I normally get quite a few, but it feels very slow going.

I was about to opt in till I read this! Whilst it did look good if it's going to cause things like this then I don't want to risk it just yet. I completely agree with a lot of people here who said they hope it doesn't get forced onto our accounts, I will hate that. But knowing youtube they will eventually make it the only design available :(
I was about to opt in till I read this! Whilst it did look good if it's going to cause things like this then I don't want to risk it just yet. I completely agree with a lot of people here who said they hope it doesn't get forced onto our accounts, I will hate that. But knowing youtube they will eventually make it the only design available :(

It could be a coincidence, but it's something that was just very noticeable to me from the moment I switched. I know that not everyone has noticed a difference (WrecklessEating is ticking along just fine, they've actually grown more)